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[1] Li Lei, Chen Daolian, Hu Yuwen,. Novel forward mode AC/AC converters with high frequency link [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2003, 19 (3): 246-249. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2003.03.009]

Novel forward mode AC/AC converters with high frequency link()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2003 3
Research Field:
Electrical Engineering
Publishing date:


Novel forward mode AC/AC converters with high frequency link
Li Lei Chen Daolian Hu Yuwen
College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
李磊 陈道炼 胡育文
南京航空航天大学自动化学院, 南京 210016
forward mode high frequency link AC/AC converter bi-polarity phase-shifted control cycloconverter
正激式 高频环节 交-交变换器 双极性移相控制 周波变换器
A circuit configuration and a circuit topologic family of the novel forward mode AC/AC converters with high frequency link are presented. The circuit configuration is constituted of input cycloconverter, high frequency transformer, output cycloconverter, input and output filters. The circuit topologic family includes eight circuit topologies, such as full-bridge-full-wave mode, etc. The bi-polarity phase-shifted control strategy and steady principles are thoroughly investigated. The output characteristics are obtained. By using the bi-polarity phase-shifted control strategy with phase-shifted control between the output cycloconveter and the input cycloconverter, commutation overlap period of the output cycloconverter, and polarity selection of the output filtering inductance current and the input voltage, the leakage inductance energy and the output filtering inductance current are naturally commutated, and surge voltage and surge current of the cycloconverters are overcome. The converters have such advantages as simple topology, two-stage power conversions(LFAC/HFAC/LFAC), bi-directional power flow, high frequency electrical isolation, good output waveforms, and strong ability to stabilize voltage. The converters lay key technical foundation on a new-type of regulated sinusoidal AC power supplies and electronic transformers. The correction and advancement of the converters are well verified by a principle test.
提出新颖的正激式高频环节交-交变换器电路结构和电路拓扑族, 这类电路结构由输入周波变换器、高频变压器、输出周波变换器以及输入、输出滤波器构成, 电路拓扑族包括全桥全波式等8种电路.深入研究了这类变换器的双极性移相控制策略和稳态原理, 获得了外特性曲线.采用具有输出周波变换器与输入周波变换器之间移相、输出周波变换器换流重叠、输出滤波电感电流和输入电压极性选择的双极性移相控制策略, 这类交-交变换器的周波变换器上的尖峰电压和环流得到抑制.这类变换器具有电路拓扑简洁、两级功率变换(低频交流/高频交流/低频交流)


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Biographies: Li Lei(1975—), male, graduate; Chen Daolian(corresponding author), male, professor, chendaolian@hotmail.com.
Last Update: 2003-09-20