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[1] Xu Yanzhong, Jiang Shuyun,. Dynamic characteristics of high speed angular-contactceramic ball bearing [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2004, 20 (3): 319-323. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2004.03.011]

Dynamic characteristics of high speed angular-contactceramic ball bearing()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2004 3
Research Field:
Mechanical Engineering
Publishing date:


Dynamic characteristics of high speed angular-contactceramic ball bearing
Xu Yanzhong Jiang Shuyun
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
徐延忠 蒋书运
东南大学机械工程系, 南京 210096
angular-contact bearing ceramic ball dynamic characteristics
角接触轴承 陶瓷球 动态特性
The dynamic characteristics of a high speed angular-contact ceramic ball bearing are studied and compared with that of the steel ball bearing. According to rolling bearing analysis theory, the bearing dynamic equations are established and are solved based on Hook-Jeeves’s optimization theory on the computer. The results show that the bearing dynamic characteristics mainly depend on the rotational speed and ball material property at high speed. The bearing stiffness, notablely, initially decreases and then increases with increasing rotational speed. The ceramic ball bearing gains significant advantages over the steel ball bearing in high speed applications, such as lower contact stress, smaller deformation, less altering amount of contact angle, decreasing extent of variation of axial and radial stiffness and higher performance stability.
根据滚动轴承的分析理论建立了轴承的动态数学模型并通过Hook-Jeeves的优化方法求解, 研究了高速角接触陶瓷球轴承的动态特性, 并与传统的钢轴承作了对比. 结果表明: 与低转速工况时相比, 高转速时轴承的动态性能不仅受预加载荷的影响, 而且在更大程度上与转速和滚珠材料特性有关; 随转速的升高, 轴承的轴向刚度与径向刚度均发生显著变化, 变化趋势为先下降后上升; 在高速状态下, 与传统钢轴承相比, 陶瓷球轴承的接触应力及变形明显降低、接触角变化较小、轴向与径向刚度变化程度相对较低、动态特性相对稳定, 从而具有传统钢球轴承无可比拟的优越性.


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Biographies: Xu Yanzhong(1970—), male, doctor, senior engineer; Jiang Shuyun(corresponding author), male, doctor, associate professor, Jiangshy@seu.edu.cn.
Last Update: 2004-09-20