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[1] Xiang Linqing, Ma Peisun, Xu Jianbo, Gao Xueguan, et al. Positioning planning of high-intensity-focused ultrasoundsurgery platform using Bezier curve [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2004, 20 (3): 332-340. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2004.03.014]

Positioning planning of high-intensity-focused ultrasoundsurgery platform using Bezier curve()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2004 3
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Positioning planning of high-intensity-focused ultrasoundsurgery platform using Bezier curve
Xiang Linqing Ma Peisun Xu Jianbo Gao Xueguan
Institute of Robotics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
项林清 马培荪 许剑波 高雪官
上海交通大学机器人研究所, 上海 200030
positioning planning workspace key configuration high-intensity-focused ultrasound(HIFU) Bezier curve continuity
定位规划 工作空间 关键位姿 高强度聚焦超声 Bezier曲线 连续
A positioning volume ellipsoid method is proposed to represent tumor volume in the workspace of a high-intensity-focused ultrasound(HIFU)surgery platform during the platform’s positioning motion. To this simplified tumor model a nearest neighbor search method is used to determine intermediate configuration and goal configuration, which the treatment head and ultrasound focus must pass in their localization to target volume. Based on the decided configurations, the continuity condition of combined Bezier curve in Euclidean space and De Casteljau algorithm on Lie group SO(3)are integrated to construct a combined Bezier positioning path of C2 continuity at junctional configuration, and an illustration of different positioning path planning is analyzed in detail based on a liver tumor case.
提出了一种定位区域球方法来表示高强度聚焦超声手术平台在定位运动时肿瘤在其工作空间中的位置和姿态. 针对该简化肿瘤模型, 使用最近邻近查询方法确定了治疗头和超声焦点在定位到肿瘤目标过程中必须经过的中间位姿和目标位姿. 根据确定的位姿, 把组合Bezier曲线的连续条件和SO(3)的De Casteljau算法结合, 构造出了一条在衔接位姿C2连续的组合Bezier曲线路径用于定位, 并且根据一例肝脏肿瘤病例对各种连续路径作了详细分析.


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Biographies: Xiang Linqing(1974—), male, graduate; Ma Peisun(corresponding author), male, professor, psma@sjtu.edu.cn.
Last Update: 2004-09-20