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[1] Tan Jiqing, Xu Wei, Zhang Xiaoning,. Finite element simulation and optimal analysisof surfacing on steel orthotropic bridge deck [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2006, 22 (4): 539-543. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2006.04.020]

Finite element simulation and optimal analysisof surfacing on steel orthotropic bridge deck()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2006 4
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Finite element simulation and optimal analysisof surfacing on steel orthotropic bridge deck
Tan Jiqing Xu Wei Zhang Xiaoning
Institute of Road Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
谭积青 徐伟 张肖宁
华南理工大学道路工程研究所, 广州 510641
steel orthotropic deck bridge deck overlay finite element submodeling optimal analysis fatigue test
正交异性钢桥面 桥面铺装 有限元 子模型 优化分析 疲劳试验
To analyze the stress state of steel orthotropic deck pavement and provide reference for the design of the overlay, the inner stress state and strain distribution of surfacing under the load of the deformation of the whole bridge structure and tyre load are analyzed by the finite element method of submodeling.Influence of surfacing modulus on the strain state of the overlay is analyzed for the purpose of the optimal design of the overlay structure.Analysis results show that the deformation of the whole bridge structure has no evident influence on the stress state of the overlay.The key factor of the overlay design is the transverse tensile strain in the overlay above the upper edge of web plate of rib.The stress state of the overlay is influenced evidently by the modulus of rigidity transform overlay.And the stress state of the overlay can be optimized and lowered by increasing the modulus and thickness of rigidity transform overlay.The fatigue test has been done to evaluate the fatigue performance and modulus of different deck pavement materials such as epoxy asphalt, SBS modified asphalt, rosphalt asphalt which can provide reference for deck pavement structure design.
为了确定正交异性钢桥面铺装受力状态并为设计提供参考, 运用子模型有限元法分析了桥梁整体变形及局部轮载作用下铺装内部受力状态及应变分布特点.为优化设计铺装层结构, 分析了铺装层模量对其应变状态影响.分析结果表明:大跨径钢桥整桥变形对铺装层受力状态影响很小, 钢桥面铺装设计的控制受力因素是轮载局部作用下铺装层的横向应变, 铺装层模量对铺装层的受力状态有显著影响, 通过提高铺装层刚度过渡层的结构优化设计措施可以显著改善铺装层的受力状态, 降低铺装层的应变水平.分别对环氧沥青混凝土、SBS改性沥青SMA和Rosphalt改性沥青混凝土的模量及疲劳性能进行了试验评价, 可以为桥面铺装结构组合设计提供参考数据.


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Biography: Tan Jiqing(1973—), male, senior engineer, tanjiqing@tom.com.
Last Update: 2006-12-20