|Table of Contents|

[1] Yang HuaQi ChengyingLiu LeiJin FengyunYan Binghong,. Experimental study on indoor environment improvement in toll boothby personalized ventilation technology [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (2): 307-310. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2010.02.036]

Experimental study on indoor environment improvement in toll boothby personalized ventilation technology()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2010 2
Research Field:
Energy and Power Engineering
Publishing date:


Experimental study on indoor environment improvement in toll boothby personalized ventilation technology
Yang HuaQi ChengyingLiu LeiJin FengyunYan Binghong
School of Energy and Environment, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
personalized ventilation(PV) indoor air quality(IAQ) toll booth pollution
The necessity and feasibility of the use of the personalized ventilation(PV)technology in a toll booth is described.First, the indoor environment of the toll booth equipped with a PV system is analyzed.Based on the analysis results, a set of equipment for controlling the indoor air quality(IAQ)of the toll booth is devised.Then, a full-scale model of the toll booth is set up in the laboratory.The airflow organization, the optimum operation parameters, and the restraint effects of the PV system on pollution are also experimentally studied.The experimental results on the air supply characteristics show that the PV system can effectively reduce the air age, improve the ventilation efficiency, and enhance the comfort and acceptability of human beings.In addition, this system plays a significant role in preventing pollution.


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Biography: Yang Hua(1970—), female, doctor, professor, y8h8@163.com.
Citation: Yang Hua, Qi Chengying, Liu Lei, et al.Experimental study on indoor environment improvement in toll booth by personalized ventilation technology[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(2):307-310.
Last Update: 2010-06-20