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[1] Peng Zhigang, Ma Da,. Brief analysis on rainwater regulation and storagefor pressure alleviation of municipal drainage system [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2014, 30 (2): 202-205. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2014.02.012]

Brief analysis on rainwater regulation and storagefor pressure alleviation of municipal drainage system()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2014 2
Research Field:
Environmental Science and Engineering
Publishing date:


Brief analysis on rainwater regulation and storagefor pressure alleviation of municipal drainage system
Peng Zhigang Ma Da
Beijing Tidelion S& I Rainwater Harvesting Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 102200, China
彭志刚 马达
北京泰宁科创雨水利用技术股份有限公司, 北京102200
urban waterlogging rainwater regulation and storage rainstorm intensity rainstorm return period
城市内涝 雨水调蓄 暴雨强度 暴雨重现期
Rainwater plays an important role in the improvement of the drainage performance while leaving the drainage network structure and capacity unchanged. Based on the comparison of rainwater storage performance in projected rainwater drainage systems, it shows that the rainwater storage facilities based on the current rainfall intensity computing formulation can improve the drainage system. The results show that the decentralized rainwater drainage network in municipal drainage helps to reduce the designed rainfall intensity capacity in the drainage network. Thus, the effect can be equal to increasing the rainfall duration in the rainwater drainage network design. Therefore, the rainwater storage facilities in decentralized networks optimize the rainwater drainage network in community rainwater drainage design. It also reduces the capacity of the drainage network and improves the safety of the municipal rainwater drainage system in residential areas.
为了在不改变排水管网路径和不加大排水管网规模的同时优化雨水排水系统的性能, 提升排水系统能力, 在排水管网路径中设置雨水调蓄设施.通过梳理、比对雨水调蓄在实际工程中对雨水排水系统的优化应用, 并通过列表对比在不同城市中雨水调蓄在现行的暴雨强度计算公式中对优化排水系统的改善作用.结果表明:分散地在排水路径上设置雨水调蓄设施可以降低排水管网设计的暴雨强度, 其效果等同于延长雨水排水管网设计中的降雨历时.因此在建筑小区雨水排水管网设计时采用分散地在排水路径上设置雨水调蓄设施是优化系统的有效措施.该做法既可降低建筑小区排水管网规模又可提高市政雨水排水的安全.


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Biography: Peng Zhigang(1982—), male, graduate, skypzg@163.com.
Citation: Peng Zhigang, Ma Da. Brief analysis on rainwater regulation and storage for pressure alleviation of municipal drainage system[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2014, 30(2):202-205.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2014.02.012]
Last Update: 2014-06-20