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[1] Lu GenfengTang WenchengYang Yu,. Fatigue and mechanical properties of dental implantwith zirconia pile [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2016, 32 (3): 312-316. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2016.03.009]

Fatigue and mechanical properties of dental implantwith zirconia pile()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2016 3
Research Field:
Biological Science and Medical Engineering
Publishing date:


Fatigue and mechanical properties of dental implantwith zirconia pile
Lu GenfengTang WenchengYang Yu
School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
陆艮峰 汤文成 杨宇
东南大学机械工程学院, 南京211189
fiber pile zirconia pile finite element analysis fatigue life
纤维桩 氧化锆桩 有限元分析 疲劳寿命
In order to investigate the effect of piles on tooth restoration and their service life, micro-computed tomography(CT)was used to scan the first maxillary canines by establishing a three-dimensional finite element model for pile restoration. The stress distributions after tooth restoration with different pile materials were analyzed using a 100 N bite force. Then, the S-N fatigue characteristic curve of zirconia material was obtained using experimental data. The fe-safe fatigue analysis software was used to study the service life of zirconia piles in teeth. The static analysis results demonstrate that when fiber piles are used to repair, the stress from the dentin neck is larger than that by zirconia piles, but the stress from the apical of the dentin is smaller than that by zirconia piles. Besides, the stress exerted by fiber piles is lower than that by zirconia piles. Furthermore, the fatigue analysis results indicate that under normal conditions, zirconia piles can be used in teeth for over 20 years. Compared with fiber piles, zirconia piles have a better effect on the repair of tooth defects.
为了研究桩核修复对牙体的影响及其使用寿命, 基于Micro CT扫描建立桩核修复后上颌第一尖牙的三维有限元模型.对牙齿加载100 N咬合力, 分析不同材质桩核修复后的应力分布状况.通过实验数据拟合氧化锆材料的S-N疲劳特性曲线, 利用fe-safe疲劳分析软件, 研究氧化锆桩在牙齿内部的使用寿命.结果表明:纤维桩修复时牙本质的根颈应力比氧化锆桩修复时大, 而根尖的应力比氧化锆桩修复时小;纤维桩本身的应力比氧化锆桩的应力小.疲劳分析结果表明, 正常咀嚼力下, 氧化锆桩在牙齿内部可以使用长达20年.对比纤维桩在临床修复上的表现, 氧化锆桩修复缺损牙齿效果更好.


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Biographies: Lu Genfeng(1992—), male, graduate; Tang Wencheng(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, tangwc@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation item: The National Numerical Control Equipment Major Projects(No.2013ZX09008011).
Citation: Lu Genfeng, Tang Wencheng, Yang Yu. Fatigue and mechanical properties of dental implant with zirconia pile[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2016, 32(3):312-316.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2016.03.009.
Last Update: 2016-09-20