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[1] Wang Ruihua, Fei Shumin, Liu Qingqing, et al. New dispatching rule in furniture production schedulingfor reducing weather impacts [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2016, 32 (3): 379-384. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2016.03.020]

New dispatching rule in furniture production schedulingfor reducing weather impacts()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2016 3
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


New dispatching rule in furniture production schedulingfor reducing weather impacts
Wang Ruihua1 2 Fei Shumin1 Liu Qingqing3
1 School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
2 School of Automation Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266520, China
3 School of Information and Control, Nanjing University of Information and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
王瑞华1 2 费树岷1 刘卿卿3
1东南大学自动化学院, 南京 210096; 2青岛理工大学自动化工程学院, 青岛 266520; 3南京信息工程大学信息与控制学院, 南京 210044
dispatching rule fuzzy decision suitability relative humidity
分派规则 模糊决策 适合度 相对湿度
In order to reduce the possibility that quality problems occur resulting from “bad” weather, a new dispatching rule is designed for the job sequencing problem in the machine shop of a wood furniture factory. First, two indices including risky duration and risk magnitude are established to characterize the weather conditions. Based on these two indices, the job suitability under the future air state is derived by the fuzzy decision method, and integrated with a traditional heuristic to compute the dispatching priority of each job. Then, a new measure matching degree is constructed to evaluate the effectiveness of the dispatching rule. The greater the matching degree, the smaller the possibility that the quality problems of wood products occur. Finally, simulation experiments show that the dispatching rule can greatly increase the matching degree while maintaining low weighted tardiness.
为解决实木家具厂机加工车间的工作排序问题, 设计了一个新的家具生产分派规则, 减小了由于天气“恶劣”而引起质量问题的可能性. 首先, 构造风险持续时间和风险大小2个指标来描述天气状况. 基于这2个指标, 使用模糊决策方法计算未来空气状况下的工作适合度, 将工作适合度与传统的启发式方法相结合, 计算每个工作的分派优先级, 得到新的分派规则. 然后, 为评估所得的分派规则的有效性, 设计了一个度量匹配度, 匹配度越大, 木制品质量问题发生的可能性越小. 仿真实验表明, 在保证低的加权滞后时间的同时, 所设计的分派规则能大幅提高调度表的环境匹配度.


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Biography: Wang Ruihua(1985—), female, doctor, lecturer, 123.wrh@163.com.
Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 61273119).
Citation: Wang Ruihua, Fei Shumin, Liu Qingqing.New dispatching rule in furniture production scheduling for reducing weather impacts[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2016, 32(3):379-384.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2016.03.020.
Last Update: 2016-09-20