|Table of Contents|

[1] Yang Ge, Zhao Lindu,. Effect improvement of drug pricing reformbased on multi-channel coordination [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2020, 36 (4): 444-452. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2020.04.010]

Effect improvement of drug pricing reformbased on multi-channel coordination()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2020 4
Research Field:
Economy and Management
Publishing date:


Effect improvement of drug pricing reformbased on multi-channel coordination
Yang Ge Zhao Lindu
School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
drug pricing reform multi-channel coordination dual-channel model pharmaceutical e-commerce
To improve the effect of the drug pricing reform, a business model of pharmaceutical e-commerce is introduced into the pharmaceutical supply chain. First, based on the measures of the drug pricing reform, a dual-channel model is established, consisting of a drugstore and a hospital. The analysis of the model indicates that the reform leads to higher costs for patients. Then, an e-pharmacy is added to the dual-channel supply chain. Meanwhile, to reduce the home-delivery cost of the e-pharmacy, a multi-channel coordination strategy called “order online, delivery by drugstore” is proposed. By comparing the optimal values under the two models with and without coordination strategy, respectively, the results show that the profits of the e-pharmacy and the drugstore increase while the retail prices of drugs drop, and a large number of patients are diverted from the hospital. Therefore, the business model of pharmaceutical e-commerce with multi-channel coordination can greatly improve the effect of the drug pricing reform.


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Biographies: Yang Ge(1982—), male, Ph.D. candidate; Zhao Lindu(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, ldzhao@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.71390333), the Key R & D Plans of Jiangsu Province(No.BE2017156).
Citation: Yang Ge, Zhao Lindu.Effect improvement of drug pricing reform based on multi-channel coordination[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2020, 36(4):444-452.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2020.04.010.
Last Update: 2020-12-20