|Table of Contents|

[1] Wang Meng, Zhang Xiaoyue, Liu Cheng, Xu Huitong, et al. Intelligent detection of cracks on cement pavements of rural highways [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2023, 39 (4): 340-349. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2023.04.003]

Intelligent detection of cracks on cement pavements of rural highways()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2023 4
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Intelligent detection of cracks on cement pavements of rural highways
Wang Meng1 Zhang Xiaoyue1 Liu Cheng2 Xu Huitong1 Yang Yanze1
1 School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
2 China-Road Transportation Verification and Inspection Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China
王萌1 张小月1 刘诚2 徐慧通1 杨燕泽1
1 北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院, 北京 100044; 2 中路高科交通检测检验认证有限公司, 北京 100088
rural highway cement pavement crack deep learning image classification object detection
农村公路 水泥路面 裂缝 深度学习 图像分类 目标检测
Traditional artificial image processing methods suffer from problems in the detection of damage in rural highway pavements, such as low efficiency, nonobjective results, and the inability to process a large amount of data in time. To solve these problems, an intelligent method is proposed for the detection of cracks on rural cement pavements. The proposed method is integrated with ResNet50 for pavement classification and an improved YOLOv5 crack detection algorithm, considering the distribution characteristics of rural highway sections. Different training strategies and different network depth were compared to construct an efficient pavement classification model based on ResNet50 with the aim of automatically identifying cements and asphalt pavements in rural highways. A dataset that contains 18 028 pieces of crack detection data for cement pavements of rural highways was created. A comparative experimental study of single- and two-stage object detection algorithm was performed, and the optimal detection algorithm with both detection accuracy and efficiency was obtained. Furthermore, the adaptive spatial feature fusion strategy and the optimized regression loss function are integrated into the optimization algorithm to effectively solve the problem of multi-scale crack leakage detection in the image, and further improve the overall detection accuracy. The integrated method was applied to the field measurement of real cement pavements of rural highways. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of pavement type classification is 98.4% and that of crack detection is 93.0%, indicating that the proposed method can provide accurate and efficient solutions for the detection of cement pavements of rural highways.
为解决传统人工图像处理方法在农村公路路面病害检测中存在的效率低、结果不客观、大量数据无法及时处理等问题, 考虑农村公路路段分布特征, 集成ResNet50路面分类和改进的YOLOv5裂缝检测算法, 提出了一种农村水泥路面裂缝智能检测方法.利用不同训练策略、不同网络深度进行对比, 构建了基于ResNet50的路面高效分类模型, 实现农村公路水泥和沥青路面的自动判别.创建了包含18 028张农村公路水泥路面裂缝图片的检测数据集, 开展单阶段和两阶段目标检测算法对比试验研究, 获得兼顾检测精度和效率的优选检测算法.在优选算法中融入自适应空间特征融合策略和优化回归损失函数, 有效解决了图像中多尺度裂缝漏检问题, 并进一步提高了整体检测精度.应用所提集成方法对农村公路水泥路面进行现场实测, 结果表明路面类型分类准确率为98.4%, 裂缝检测准确率为93.0%, 表明所提方法能够准确高效地运用于农村公路水泥路面裂缝检测.


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Biography: Wang Meng(1985—), female, doctor, professor, wangmeng@bjtu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: Beijing Nova Program(No. 20220484103), Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation(No. 8222027), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No. 2022YJS071).
Citation: Wang Meng, Zhang Xiaoyue, Liu Cheng, et al. Intelligent detection of cracks on cement pavements of rural highways[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2023, 39(4):340-349.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2023.04.003.
Last Update: 2023-12-20