|Table of Contents|

[1] Kong Lingyun, Zeng Qilan, Zhang Zhengqi, et al. Antiskid decay prediction of asphalt mixtures based on aggregate mechanical properties and gradation fractals [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2024, 40 (1): 58-67. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2024.01.007]

Antiskid decay prediction of asphalt mixtures based on aggregate mechanical properties and gradation fractals()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2024 1
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Antiskid decay prediction of asphalt mixtures based on aggregate mechanical properties and gradation fractals
Kong Lingyun1 2 Zeng Qilan1 2 Zhang Zhengqi1 2 Peng Yi3 Wang Dawei4 Yu Miao1 2 Zhan You5
1National and Local Joint Laboratory of Traffic Civil Engineering Materials, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
2School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
3College of Traffic and Transportation, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
4School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
5 School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
孔令云1 2 曾启岚1 2 张政奇1 2 彭毅3 王大为4 余苗1 2 战友5
1重庆交通大学交通土建工程材料国家地方联合工程实验室, 重庆 400074; 2重庆交通大学土木工程学院, 重庆 400074; 3重庆交通大学交通运输学院, 重庆 400074; 4哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090; 5西南交通大学土木工程学院, 成都 610031
accelerated loading antiskid performance exponential model backpropagation neural networks(BPNN) support vector machine(SVM)
加速加载 抗滑性能 指数模型 前馈神经网络 支持向量机
Through comprehensive data collection, along with the coarse aggregate mechanical index, fractal dimension, and British pendulum number(BPN), a pavement friction prediction model was proposed on the basis of backpropagation neural networks(BPNNs)and support vector machine(SVM). An accelerated attenuation test was conducted to examine the antiskid performance of the asphalt mixture and aggregates at different wearing cycles. Subsequently, BPN was fitted using an exponential model. Gray relational and correlation analyses were performed to evaluate the factors influencing pavement skid resistance. According to the principal component analysis results, six schemes were prepared for the training, validation, and testing of BPNN and SVM algorithms. Test results indicate that different aggregates exhibit different antiskid properties. Quartz sandstone is the most suitable, followed by basalt and limestone. The polished stone value has the highest correlation with the attenuation model of asphalt antiskid performance. BPNN is more stable, with an R2 value of approximately 0.8.
以粗集料的力学指标、分形维数以及BPN作为研究对象进行数据采集, 基于前馈神经网络算法与支持向量机算法, 提出了一种新型路面抗滑性能预测模型.采用加速加载试验, 记录沥青混合料在轮载作用下表面抗滑性能的衰减过程, 并利用指数模型对轮载次数与BPN的数值关系进行拟合.通过灰色关联度分析和相关性分析, 评估各项因素对沥青路面抗滑性的影响程度.基于主成分分析结果, 设计了6种方案, 用于前馈神经网络算法和支持向量机算法的训练、验证和测试.结果表明, 不同类型集料呈现出不同的抗滑性能, 石英砂岩最佳, 玄武岩次之, 石灰岩较差.磨光值与沥青抗滑性能衰减模型的关联性最高.前馈神经网络算法构建的模型表现更为稳定, R2值约为0.8, 展现出良好的预测能力.


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Biographies: Kong Lingyun(1976—), female, doctor, professor; Peng Yi(corresponding author), male, doctor, dawsonyp@cqjtu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 52208425), Chongqing Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No. cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0744), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No. 2021M693918).
Citation: Kong Lingyun, Zeng Qilan, Zhang Zhengqi, et al.Antiskid decay prediction of asphalt mixtures based on aggregate mechanical properties and gradation fractals[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2024, 40(1):58-67.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2024.01.007.
Last Update: 2024-03-20