|Table of Contents|

[1] Jiang Shujuan, Xu Baowen,. Approach to evaluating exception handling of programs [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2007, 23 (4): 524-528. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2007.04.010]

Approach to evaluating exception handling of programs()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2007 4
Research Field:
Computer Science and Engineering
Publishing date:


Approach to evaluating exception handling of programs
Jiang Shujuan1 Xu Baowen2
1School of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
2School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
software robustness exception handling exception propagation evaluating program control flow graph
To solve the problems that the exception handling code is hard to test and maintain and that it affects the robustness and reliability of software, a method for evaluating the exception handling of programs is presented. The exception propagation graph(EPG)that describes the large programs with exception handling constructs is proposed by simplifying the control flow graph and it is applied to a case to verify its validity. According to the EPG, the exception handling code that never executes is identified; the points that are the most critical to controlling exception propagation are found; and the irrational exception handling code is corrected. The constructing algorithm for the EPG is given; thus, this provides a basis for automatically constructing the EPG and automatically correcting the irrational exception handling code.


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Biographies: Jiang Shujuan(1966—), female, doctor, professor, shjjiang@cumt.edu.cn; Xu Baowen(1961—), male, doctor, professor, bwxu@seu.edu.cn.
Last Update: 2007-12-20