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[1] Luo Yonggang**, Li Daji,. Experimental Research on Flue Gas Desulfurizationby Superfine Titanium Dioxied* [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2001, 17 (1): 50-54. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2001.01.012]

Experimental Research on Flue Gas Desulfurizationby Superfine Titanium Dioxied*()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2001 1
Research Field:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publishing date:


Experimental Research on Flue Gas Desulfurizationby Superfine Titanium Dioxied*
Luo Yonggang** Li Daji
Key Laboratory of Educational Ministry on Clean Coal Power Generation and Combustion Technology, Thermoenergy Engineering Research Institute, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
罗永刚 李大骥
教育部洁净煤发电与燃烧技术重点实验室, 东南大学热能工程研究所, 南京 210096
FGD titanium dioxide sol-gel physical adsorption fixed-bed
烟气脱硫 二氧化钛 溶胶-凝胶 物理吸附 固定床
The mechanism of all present adopted desulfurization technologies is chemical reaction. A new kind of desulfurization medium — TiO2 particle having large fraction void and specific surface area which is made from TiO2 with superfine size sintered at low temperature and processed with surface activation is tested and investigated. The mechanism of desulfurization is mainly physical adsorption instead of traditional chemical reaction. Four samples of such TiO2 particles were characterized by advanced instruments and tested for adsorption dynamics at the temperature range of 90 ℃ to 240 ℃ in a fixed bed. The results show that its adsorption ability for SO2in flue gas is dependent strongly on three factors: quality of TiO2particles, adsorption temperature and SO2 concentration in flue gas. Titanium dioxide has well desulfurization character and pretty good prospect in engineering application. Sintered at temperature range from 440 ℃ to 540 ℃, it has the best adsorption ability. In practical use the best adsorption temperature is around 120 ℃.
目前烟气脱硫技术的反应原理多数为化学反应.本文采用一种新型脱硫剂, 即用超细TiO2粉末经过低温烧结和表面活化制得的高孔隙率, 高比表面积的TiO2颗粒, 进行烟气脱硫的试验研究, 其脱硫机理主要是物理吸附.在不同吸附温度下, 对4种TiO2颗粒吸附剂在固定床中进行了动态脱硫试验.试验结果表明, 该吸附剂的脱硫能力主要与以下3个因素有关:TiO2粒子的品质, 吸附温度以及烟气中SO2的浓度.TiO


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* The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(59878012)and Southeast University Science Foundation.
** Born in 1967, male, graduate, lecturer.
Last Update: 2001-03-20