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[1] Qian Tuanjie, Sun Jun, Xie Rong, Su Pengcheng, et al. Scalable transcoding for video transmissionover space-time OFDM systems [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2005, 21 (4): 405-410. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2005.04.006]

Scalable transcoding for video transmissionover space-time OFDM systems()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2005 4
Research Field:
Information and Communication Engineering
Publishing date:


Scalable transcoding for video transmissionover space-time OFDM systems
Qian Tuanjie Sun Jun Xie Rong Su Pengcheng Wang Jia
Institute of Image Communication and Information Processing Research, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
钱团结 孙军 解蓉 苏鹏程 王嘉
上海交通大学图像通信与信息处理研究所, 上海 200030
scalable transcoding down-sampling space-time codes orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
可分级转码 下采样 空时码 正交频分复用
A new scheme combining a scalable transcoder with space time block codes(STBC)for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM)system is proposed for robust video transmission in dispersive fading channels.The target application for such a scalable transcoder is to provide successful access to the pre-encoded high quality video MPEG-2 from mobile wireless terminals.In the scalable transcoder, besides outputting the MPEG-4 fine granular scalability(FGS)bitstream, both the size of video frames and the bit rate are reduced.And an array processing algorithm of layer interference suppression is used at the receiver which makes the system structure provide different levels of protection to different layers.Furthermore, by considering the important level of scalable bitstream, the different bitstreams can be given different level protection by the system structure and channel coding.With the proposed system, the concurrent large diversity gain characteristic of STBC and alleviation of the frequency-selective fading effect of OFDM can be achieved.The simulation results show that the proposed schemes integrating scalable transcoding can provide a basic quality of video transmission and outperform the conventional single layer transcoding transmitted under the random and bursty error channel conditions.
结合空时OFDM和转换编码技术, 提出了一种无线衰落信道下具有可分级转码能力的鲁棒视频传输方法.采用可分级转码器将高质量的MPEG-2压缩视频转换为低码率、低分辨率MPEG-4可分级码流来满足网络带宽和终端设备显示的要求.在接收端采用一种层干扰抑制算法, 使得分层空时OFDM系统不同层的传输性能存在差异, 从而使系统具有不对等保护能力.根据分级码流的重要程度不同, 将转码输出的可分级码流分别由分层空时编码OFDM系统的不同层来实现视频的鲁棒传输.实验结果表明:在典型的随机突发错误的无线环境下, 提出的具有可分级转码能力的系统的视频传输性能优于传统的非分级转码的视频传输系统.


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Biographies: Qian Tuanjie(1971—), male, graduate, tjqian@sjtu.edu.cn;Sun Jun(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, sunjun@cdtv.org.cn.
Last Update: 2005-12-20