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[1] Qiu Yuzhuo, Chen Senfa, Chen Tao,. Evolution mechanism of demandfor comprehensive transportation system based on metabolic ecology [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2009, 25 (2): 271-273. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2009.02.027]

Evolution mechanism of demandfor comprehensive transportation system based on metabolic ecology()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2009 2
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Evolution mechanism of demandfor comprehensive transportation system based on metabolic ecology
Qiu Yuzhuo Chen Senfa Chen Tao
School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
邱玉琢 陈森发 陈涛
东南大学经济管理学院, 南京 210096
comprehensive transportation system system evolution metabolic allometric growth relationship
综合运输体系 系统演化 新陈代谢 异速增长关系
The metabolic evolution model of transportation demand for comprehensive transportation systems is put forward on the basis of a metabolic theory of ecology.In the model, the growth rates or changing rates of transportation volumes for the various transportation modes of a city are determined not only by the GDP per capita which reflects the size of the city itself, but also by the relationship of competition and cooperation among transportation modes.The results of empirical analysis for Chinese cities show that the allometric growth exponent in the equation for the variation rate of passenger demand volume on rail is greater than the predicted value of 1/4 in metabolic ecology, whereas the allometric growth relationship is not so evident in the equation for the variation rate of passenger demand volume on road.The changing rate of road transportation is thus mainly affected by the relationship of competition and cooperation among transportation modes for Chinese cities.
在代谢生态学理论的基础上, 提出了综合交通运输体系运量需求的代谢演化模型.模型中城市各种交通方式的运量增长率或变化率不仅依赖于反映城市自身规模的人均GDP, 而且受到运输方式间的竞争与合作关系的制约.对中国城市的实证分析结果表明:铁路旅客交通需求量变化率方程中的异速增长指数略大于生态代谢理论中预测的1/4值, 而公路旅客运输需求量变化率方程中的异速增长关系并不明显, 中国城市公路交通需求的变化率主要受到运输方式间竞争与合作关系的影响.


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Biographies: Qiu Yuzhuo(1974—), female, graduate;Chen Senfa(corresponding author), male, professor, chensenfa@163.com.
Foundation items: The Ph.D.Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China(No.20060286005), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.20070411018).
Citation: Qiu Yuzhuo, Chen Senfa, Chen Tao.Evolution mechanism of demand for comprehensive transportation system based on metabolic ecology[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2009, 25(2):271-273.
Last Update: 2009-06-20