|Table of Contents|

[1] Li Xiaoqin, Yuan Jun, Yang Fei, Yin Lihong, et al. Environmental abundance and microcystin-LR production abilityof toxic Microcystis in Nanquan region of Lake Taihu [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (1): 96-99. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2010.01020]

Environmental abundance and microcystin-LR production abilityof toxic Microcystis in Nanquan region of Lake Taihu()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2010 1
Research Field:
Environmental Science and Engineering
Publishing date:


Environmental abundance and microcystin-LR production abilityof toxic Microcystis in Nanquan region of Lake Taihu
Li Xiaoqin Yuan Jun Yang Fei Yin Lihong Liang Geyu Zhang Juan Pu Yuepu
Key Laboratory of Environmental Medicine and Engineering of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China
toxic Microcystis microcystins environmental abundance Lake Taihu
The variations of environmental abundance and microcystin-LR(MC-LR)production ability of toxic Microcystis in the Nanquan region of Lake Taihu are investigated by real-time quantitative PCR(RTQ-PCR)and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)from May to December in 2009. Simultaneously, degrees of water pollution and eutrophication are monitored. The results indicate that the water quality in the Nanquan region of Lake Taihu is in a moderate degree of pollution and eutrophication. Algal density exceeds the threshold of bloom from May to November. The environmental abundance of toxic Microcystis is more than 40% from May to October and then significantly declines to 5.66% due to the obvious reduction in the water temperature in December. From May to December, the MC-LR production ability of toxic Microcystis ranges from 1.661 to 9.293 μg/108cells. With the significant drops in water temperature and algal density, the MC-LR production ability of toxic Microcystis is obviously increased from November to December. It is concluded that the lake presents Microcystis bloom and the toxic Microcystis becomes dominant during most of the year. The environmental abundance and the MC-LR production ability of toxic Microcystis have a close relationship with water temperature. The effective control of toxic Microcystis should be considered in both the bloom period and the non-bloom period of winter since the MC-LR production ability of toxic Microcystis obviously increases in winter.


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Biographies: Li Xiaoqin(1982—), female, graduate; Pu Yuepu(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, yppu@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Key Technologies R& D Program of China during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period(No.2008ZX07101-011), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.30972440), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.BK2008320), the 333 Project Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.07056).
Citation: Li Xiaoqin, Yuan Jun, Yang Fei, et al. Environmental abundance and microcystin-LR production ability of toxic Microcystis in Nanquan region of Lake Taihu[J]. Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(1): 96-99.
Last Update: 2010-03-20