|Table of Contents|

[1] Bian FenglanZhao YongliHuang Xiaoming, Wang Zhen,. Experimental study of water aging on asphaltduring service life of pavements [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (4): 618-621. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2010.04.024]

Experimental study of water aging on asphaltduring service life of pavements()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2010 4
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Experimental study of water aging on asphaltduring service life of pavements
Bian FenglanZhao YongliHuang Xiaoming Wang Zhen
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
卞凤兰 赵永利 黄晓明 王真
东南大学交通学院, 南京210096
asphalt water aging SHRP method service life
沥青 水老化 SHRP方法 使用寿命
In order to further simulate the real condition of pavements during the service life, moisture is considered in long-term aging tests based on the existing researches about thermal aging and oxidation aging of asphalt. Water is injected into the pressure aging vessel(PAV)to simulate the aging process during the service life. The performance-based strategic highway research program(SHRP)parameters G*/sin δ and S(t)are adopted to evaluate the high-temperature properties and low-temperature properties of the aged asphalt, respectively. The Thailand 90# asphalt, the modified Thailand 90# asphalt and the Shell 70# asphalt are used in the test. It is found that the moisture has a significant influence on parameter G*/sin δ when combined with heat and oxygen, so water aging makes high-temperature performance decay more seriously. But the low-temperature performance does not change remarkably after water aging. Since the influences of temperature, oxygen and water are taken into account in the PAV test, the accuracy of asphalt aging tests can be improved and the long-term aging process of asphalt pavement can be exactly simulated.
在研究沥青材料热氧老化规律的基础上, 为进一步模拟路面实际状态, 在长期老化试验中引入了水的因素.采用加水的PAV(压力老化容器)试验模拟沥青在寿命期的老化过程, 以2个SHRP性能指标车辙因子G*/sin δ和劲度模量S(t)分别表示沥青的高温和低温性能, 并用90#泰国沥青、90#改性沥青和70#壳牌沥青进行试验.结果表明:在水、温度和氧的共同作用下, 水对高温性能指标G*/sin δ产生显著影响, 所以水老化使沥青的高温性能急剧衰退, 而对低温性能的影响并不显著.加水的PAV试验综合考虑了水、温度和氧气等环境因素的作用, 能够提高模拟试验的精确性, 更好地模拟沥青路面使用寿命期的长期老化过程.


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Biographies: Bian Fenglan(1968—), female, graduate; Huang Xiaoming(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, huangxm@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.50878054).
Citation: Bian Fenglan, Zhao Yongli, Huang Xiaoming, et al. Experimental study of water aging on asphalt during service life of pavements[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(4):618-621.
Last Update: 2010-12-20