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[1] Xu Jian, Wang ZhigongZhang Ying, Tian Mi,. Distributed amplifier of L-type networkwith 2-μm GaAs HBT process [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2011, 27 (1): 13-16. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.01.003]

Distributed amplifier of L-type networkwith 2-μm GaAs HBT process()
2-μm GaAs HBT工艺的L型网络分布式放大器

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2011 1
Research Field:
Circuit and System
Publishing date:


Distributed amplifier of L-type networkwith 2-μm GaAs HBT process
2-μm GaAs HBT工艺的L型网络分布式放大器
Xu Jian Wang ZhigongZhang Ying Tian Mi
Institute of RF- & OE-ICs, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
徐建 王志功 张瑛 田密
东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所, 南京210096
distribution amplifier L-type network GaAs HBT process ultra-high broadband
分布式放大器 L型网络 GaAs HBT工艺 超宽带
The characteristic impedances of L-type and T-type networks are first investigated for a distributed amplifier design. The analysis shows that the L-type network has better frequency characteristics than the T-type one. A distribution amplifier based on the L-type network is implemented with the 2-μm GaAs HBT(heterojunction-bipolar transistor)process of WIN semiconductors. The measurement result presents excellent bandwidth performance and gives a gain of 5.5 dB with a gain flatness of ±1dB over a frequency range from 3 to 18 GHz. The return losses S11 and S22 are below-10dB in the designed frequency range. The output 1-dB compression point at 5 GHz is 13.3 dBm. The chip area is 0.95 mm2 and the power dissipation is 95 mW under a 3.5 V supply.
首先对分布式放大器中L型和T型网络的频率特性进行了研究.分析表明, L型网络比T型网络在设计中具有更好的频率特性.基于稳懋半导体的2-μm GaAs HBT工艺实现了一种L型网络的分布式放大器.测试结果表明, 在3~18 GHz频率范围内其增益为5.5 dB, 增益平坦度为±1 dB, 体现了很好的带宽性能. 此外, 在设计的频率范围内反射损耗S11, S1122均低于-10 dB.在5 GHz时的1 dB压缩点处输出功率为13.3 dBm.芯片面积为0.95 mm2, 在3.5 V电源下功耗为95 mW.


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Biographies: Xu Jian(1972—), male, doctor, xujian318@seu.edu.cn;Wang Zhigong(1954—), male, professor, zgwang@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.20090461048), Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.0901022C), Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Southeast University.
Citation: Xu Jian, Wang Zhigong, Zhang Ying, et al. Distributed amplifier of L-type network with 2-μm GaAs HBT process[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2011, 27(1):13-16.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.01.003]
Last Update: 2011-03-20