|Table of Contents|

[1] Lin Xiaohui, Ren Weisong,. Theoretical analysis of ultra-short pulsed laser ablationof SiO2 material based on a Coulomb explosion model [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2011, 27 (3): 261-265. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.03.007]

Theoretical analysis of ultra-short pulsed laser ablationof SiO2 material based on a Coulomb explosion model()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2011 3
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


Theoretical analysis of ultra-short pulsed laser ablationof SiO2 material based on a Coulomb explosion model
Lin Xiaohui Ren Weisong
School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
ultra-short pulsed laser Coulomb explosion non-equilibrium distribution material ablation
Based on the kinetic theoretical Vlasov-Poisson equation, a surface Coulomb explosion model of SiO2 material induced by ultra-short pulsed laser radiation is established. The non-equilibrium free electron distribution resulting from the two mechanisms of multi-photon ionization and avalanche ionization is computed. A quantitative analysis is given to describe the Coulomb explosion induced by the self-consistent electric field, and the impact of the parameters of laser pulses on the surface ablation is also discussed. The results show that the electron relaxation time is not constant, but it is related to the microscopic state of the electrons, so the relaxation time approximation is not available on the femtosecond time scale. The ablation depths computed by the theoretical model are in good agreement with the experimental results in the range of pulse durations from 0 to 1 ps.


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Biography: Lin Xiaohui(1960—), male, associate professor, lxh60@yahoo.com.cn.
Citation: Lin Xiaohui, Ren Weisong. Theoretical analysis of ultra-short pulsed laser ablation of SiO2 material based on a Coulomb explosion model [J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2011, 27(3):261-265.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.03.007]
Last Update: 2011-09-20