|Table of Contents|

[1] Du XudongLiu ZongjianCui QunWang HaiyanYao Huqing,. Effect of secondary pore distribution on adsorption diffusionperformance of n-hexane on 5A zeolite pellets [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2011, 27 (3): 284-289. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.03.012]

Effect of secondary pore distribution on adsorption diffusionperformance of n-hexane on 5A zeolite pellets()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2011 3
Research Field:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publishing date:


Effect of secondary pore distribution on adsorption diffusionperformance of n-hexane on 5A zeolite pellets
Du XudongLiu ZongjianCui QunWang HaiyanYao Huqing
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing 210009, China
杜旭东 刘宗健 崔群 王海燕 姚虎卿
南京工业大学化学化工学院, 南京 210009
5A zeolite pore structure secondary pore diffusion n-hexane
5A 沸石 孔结构 二次孔 扩散 正己烷
Adsorption rates of n-hexane on the 5A zeolite at 100 to 300℃ and 0.01 to 10 kPa are determined by an intelligent gravimetric analyzer(IGA-100), and the adsorption diffusion performance of n-hexane on 5A zeolite pellets with different secondary pore distributions is analyzed. The results indicate that 5A-1 and 5A-6 zeolites have similar micropore and mesopore size distribution, while the 5A-6 zeolite has a larger secondary pore volume when the pore diameter is between 0.1 and 1 μm and more secondary pores when the pore diameter is less than 0.01 μm. The effective diffusion coefficient of n-hexane on the 5A-6 zeolite pellet is 10-6 to 10-4 cm2/s, about 2 to 5 times higher than that on the 5A-1 zeolite. The effective diffusion coefficient of n-hexane on the 5A-1 zeolite pellet improves from 5×10-7 to 2×10-6cm2/s when the temperature increases from 100 to 300℃. However, the effective diffusion coefficient of n-hexane on the 5A-6 zeolite remains almost unchanged at different temperatures. The molecular average free path of n-hexane decreases from 627.15-963.28 to 0.63-0.96 μm with the adsorption pressure increasing from 0.01 to 10 kPa. Such a free path is close to the secondary pore diameter, resulting in significant Knudsen diffusion in the secondary pores. Thus, the effective diffusion coefficient of n-hexane on the 5A zeolite pellets increases before 1 kPa and decreases after 1 kPa.
采用IGA-100型智能重力分析仪测定在100~300 ℃, 0.01~10 kPa下, 5A分子筛对正己烷的吸附速率曲线, 分析了不同二次孔分布的成型5A分子筛颗粒5A-1和5A-6对正己烷的吸附扩散性能. 结果表明:5A-1与5A-6分子筛具有相近的微孔和中孔孔径分布;5A-6分子筛在孔径0.1~1 μm范围内拥有相对更大的二次孔孔容, 而在孔径小于0.01 μm时拥有更丰富的二次孔分布;丰富的二次孔分布使得正己烷在5A-6分子筛上的有效扩散系数De为10-6~10-4cm2/s, 是5A-1分子筛的2~5倍;随着吸附温度从100 ℃增大至300 ℃, 5A-1分子筛上的有效扩散系数从5×10-7~2×10-6cm2/s增大至2×10-5cm2/s, 而在5A-6分子筛上的有效扩散系数随着吸附温度变化不明显;吸附压力从0.01 kPa升高至10 kPa, 引起正己烷分子平均自由程从627.15~963.28 μm下降至0.63~0.96 μm, 并与分子筛二次孔孔径相当, 引起Knudsen扩散加剧, 从而使正己烷在5A分子筛上的有效扩散系数于压力1 kPa前后呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势.


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Biographies: Du Xudong(1984—), male, graduate; Cui Qun(corresponding author), female, doctor, professor, cuiqun@njut.edu.cn.
Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 20876074).
Citation: Du Xudong, Liu Zongjian, Cui Qun, et al. Effect of secondary pore distribution on adsorption diffusion performance of n-hexane on 5A zeolite pellets[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2011, 27(3):284-289.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.03.012]
Last Update: 2011-09-20