|Table of Contents|

[1] Li Jianhang, Li Xiaojuan, Gao Luchao, et al. Conversion factor analysis of self-balanced loading testof cast-in-situ piles based on analogue test method [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2019, 35 (2): 185-190. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2019.02.007]

Conversion factor analysis of self-balanced loading testof cast-in-situ piles based on analogue test method()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2019 2
Research Field:
Civil Engineering
Publishing date:


Conversion factor analysis of self-balanced loading testof cast-in-situ piles based on analogue test method
Li Jianhang1 2 Li Xiaojuan3 4 Gao Luchao3 4 Dai Guoliang3 4 Wu Weiguo2
1Jilin Transport Scientific Research Institute, Changchun 130011, China
2School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China
3School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
4Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structure of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
李舰航1 2 李小娟3 4 高鲁超3 4 戴国亮3 4 吴卫国2
1吉林省交通科学研究所, 长春 130011; 2武汉理工大学交通学院, 武汉 430063; 3东南大学土木工程学院, 南京 210096; 4东南大学混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育重点实验室, 南京 210096
cast-in-situ piles self-balanced method analogue test method Mohr-Coulomb strength theory conversion factor
钻孔灌注桩 自平衡法 模拟试验法 Mohr-Coulomb强度理论 转换系数
Based on the characteristics of pile-soil interaction and the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory, a new method of determining the side friction at a pile-soil interaction is proposed. Combined with the actual engineering cases, the effectiveness of the analogue test method is verified by comparing it with the traditional anchor pile method and self-balanced method. Taking the self-balanced test of the bridge pile foundation in the Songhua River as an example, the conversion factor of sandy soil and weathered mudstone are confirmed by the analogue test method. The results show that the conversion factor of sandy soil and weathered mudstone in the Songhua River area should consider the geological conditions and the construction technology, etc. The standard values are relatively conservative. It is suggested that the engineering application should be properly revised. The recommended range of the conversion factor of sandy soil in this area is 0.65 to 0.85, and that of weathered mudstone is 1.0.
基于桩土相互作用特性, 以Mohr-Coulomb强度理论为依据, 提出了一种室内模拟试验法确定桩侧摩阻力的新方法.结合实际工程案例, 对比传统锚桩法和自平衡法, 验证了模拟试验法确定桩侧摩阻力的有效性.以松花江地区桥梁桩基自平衡试验为例, 采用模拟试验法确定该地区砂性土和风化泥岩的转换系数, 结果表明, 松花江地区砂性土和风化泥岩的转换系数应综合考虑地质条件、施工工艺等因素, 规范取值相对保守, 建议工程应用做适当修正;该地区砂性土转换系数建议取值范围为0.65~0.85, 风化泥岩取1.0.


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Biographies: Li Jianhang(1971—), male, senior engineer; Dai Guoliang(corresponding author), male, professor, daigl@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Key Research and Development Program(No.2017YFC0703408), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51478109, 51678145, 51878160).
Citation: Li Jianhang, Li Xiaojuan, Gao Luchao, et al. Conversion factor analysis of self-balanced loading test of cast-in-situ piles based on analogue test method[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2019, 35(2):185-190.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2019.02.007.
Last Update: 2019-06-20