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[1] Shahraein Masoud Taheri, Zhao LihuaMeng Qinglin,. Influence of decorative materials on cooling loadof residential apartments [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (2): 156-160. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2010.02.002]

Influence of decorative materials on cooling loadof residential apartments()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2010 2
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Influence of decorative materials on cooling loadof residential apartments
Shahraein Masoud Taheri Zhao LihuaMeng Qinglin
School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)-Received 2009-11-28.Biographies:Shahraein Masoud Taheri(1970—), male, graduate;Zhao Lihua(corresponding author), female, doctor, professor, lhzhao@scut.edu.cn.Foundation items:The Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities(No.111-2-13), the Project of the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science of South China University of Technology(No.200833).Citation:Shahraein Masoud Taheri, Zhao Lihua, Meng Qinglin.Influence of decorative materials on cooling load of residential apartments[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(2):156-160.
residential apartments natural ventilation energy consumption decorative materials Mashad
The influence of a polyvinyl chloride(PVC)-panel on the cooling load of a residential apartment in Mashad, Iran, is analyzed by the DeST-h software.And the summer natural ventilation of the residential apartment is investigated to determine the wind speed into the apartment through the computational fluid dynamics software.The evaluation results of the indoor wind velocity show that most parts of the apartment are comfortable.The cooling load of the penthouse can be decreased about 10.5% or 6.5% when an air layer exists or does not exist between the ceiling and the PVC-panel, respectively, indicating that the existence of the air layer can decrease the cooling load.However, the effect of the increase in the air layer’s thickness on the decrease in the cooling load is obvious.Adding a thin layer of air between the ceiling and the PVC-panel is a good step toward sustainable buildings.


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Biographies: Shahraein Masoud Taheri(1970—), male, graduate;Zhao Lihua(corresponding author), female, doctor, professor, lhzhao@scut.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities(No.111-2-13), the Project of the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science of South China University of Technology(No.200833).
Citation: Shahraein Masoud Taheri, Zhao Lihua, Meng Qinglin.Influence of decorative materials on cooling load of residential apartments[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(2):156-160.
Last Update: 2010-06-20