Multimodal emotion recognition based on deep neural network

Ye Jiayin Zheng Wenming Li Yang Cai Youyi Cui Zhen

(School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210029, China)

Abstract:In order to increase the accuracy rate of emotion recognition in voice and video, the mixed convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) are used to encode and integrate the two information sources. For the audio signals, several frequency bands as well as some energy functions are extracted as low-level features by using a sophisticated audio technique, and then they are encoded with a one-dimensional (1D) convolutional neural network to abstract high-level features. Finally, these are fed into a recurrent neural network for the sake of capturing dynamic tone changes in a temporal dimensionality. As a contrast, a two-dimensional (2D) convolutional neural network and a similar RNN are used to capture dynamic facial appearance changes of temporal sequences. The method was used in the Chinese Natural Audio-Visual Emotion Database in the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR) in 2016. Experimental results demonstrate that the classification average precision of the proposed method is 41.15%, which is increased by 16.62% compared with the baseline algorithm offered by the CCPR in 2016. It is proved that the proposed method has higher accuracy in the identification of emotional information.

Key words:emotion recognition; convolutional neural network (CNN); recurrent neural networks (RNN)

In recent years, many researchers have devoted themselves to multimodal emotion recognition research[1-5]. For audio emotion recognition, a common practice is fusing the most typical audio emotion feature to form high-dimensional emotion feature sets, thus improving the performance of the recognition system. For video, there are many common feature extraction methods of dynamic image sequence, such as the optical flow method, LBP-TOP[6] features and so on. Compared with a single modality, multimodal emotion recognition is more complete and more robust. Petridis et al.[7] studied the video-audio emotion recognition based on model layer fusion and decision layer fusion and obtained the best accuracy of 96% and 98%. Wang et al.[8] used kernel cross modal factor analysis (KCFA) to reduce the feature dimension and fuse the feature. Metallinou et al.[9] proposed multimodal emotion recognition based on the policy maker fusion and Gaussian mixture model. Although multimodal emotion recognition has achieved initial results, it still requires further research.

In this paper, the convolutional neural network (CNN) was adopted to extract the high-level features of the spatial domain and the RNN was applied to build a dynamic model of the time domain to deal with the audio-visual data on the Chinese natural audio-visual emotion database (CHEAVD)[10].

1 Model of Multimodal Emotion Recognition

1.1 Segmentations and MFCC features extraction

Each audio sample is divided into several speech frames with fixed frame length and the adjacent two frames are shared fixed sampling points to keep sufficient global and local information. For each speech frame, we use open-SMILE[11] (speech and music interpretation by large-space extraction) software employed by the INTERSPEECH 2010 paralinguistic challenge[12] to extract the MFCC features which encode the target audio sequence in several frequency bands as well as some energy functions.

1.2 Spatial-temporal features extraction

A feature map is obtained by the repeated application of a function across the entire audio segments. If we denote the k-th feature map at a given layer as hk, their filters are determined by the weights Wk and the bias bk, then the feature map hk is obtained as follows:


where xi is the input pixel of the corresponding layer at coordinates i .

To effectively learn contextual dependencies among sequential data, the RNN is chosen owing to its feedback connections. Rectified linear units f (·) is added to have a higher level of nonlinearity. The output nodes yi and the hidden nodes hi can be calculated as





where W and V are the weight matrices of x and h; f (·) is the max value of input.

As a result, an end-to-end network combined convolutional layers over 1D space and RNN layers are designed to obtain high-level spatial-temporal features.

1.3 Spatial-temporal features extraction

To further characterize the globalism of hidden states, alignment is adopted to assign weights to each hidden state from temporal features and a nonlinear transform is introduced to explore a deep relationship among them. The concrete process can be written as




where st is the state of hidden unit; at is the weight vector; W is the transform matrix; and b is the bias.

1.4 Face region cropping

The state-of-art detector faster-RCNN method[13] is adopted to crop the face region and resize it. To confirm reliability, we check the cropped face images one by one and manually fix the error results.

1.5 Fine-tuning on a pre-trained model

For the sake of simplicity, we choose the existing VGG_Face16 as our pre-trained model, which consists of five stacks of Conv-Net, three fully-connected layers and one soft-max layer, for its robust performance. As for merely extracting the spatial facial features, we only use the output of the last fully-connected layer. The parameters of the first several convolutional layers are fixed while the final three fully-connected layers’ parameters are set randomly and they change after several iterations.

1.6 Features rearrangement

Since the lengths of each video are variable, we cannot simply combine the feature of every frame together. To solve this problem, we calculate the discrimination of features between the adjacent two frames in time order. If the difference is very small, the changes of emotions in these two frames are so insignificant that they can be discarded. In contrast, the second frame will be saved due to the high intensity variation of facial information. Owing to this strategy, we can obtain a certain number of frames with the largest changes. After selection, we rearrange the selected frames in time order to keep the context of the frames. If the selected frames are smaller than the fixed length of the feature sequence, the first frame is copied several times to make the length of the whole sequence up to the fixed length and the copies are inserted into the beginning of the whole sequence to maintain the temporal relationship of the sequence features.

1.7 Multimodal emotion recognition

As for audio and video from the same clips having the supplementary information in expressing emotions, we fuse the two results to make multimodal emotion recognition. After obtaining the soft-max layer scores of the audio network and video network, we compute the score according to the following criterion to determine the emotion label of the testing sample.



where s(i) is the score of the i-th class; α and β are the weight of scores in two modalities; and C denotes the prediction of the classification category.

2 Experiments

2.1 Database and data augment

In this section, CHEAVD[10] was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. It contained 2 582 video clips including happy, sad, angry, worried, anxious, surprise, disgust and neutral emotions and consisted of audio, video and multimodal emotion recognition tasks.

We abandoned the first or final 4 000 to 8 000 sampling points of the produced noisy speech signals so that we could obtain a large number of augmented speech samples. 800 samples of each class from the augmented dataset were randomly selected to supply samples of each emotion category, which enables the number of samples in each emotion category to be approximately equal. Since the first or final several frames of a video sequence may have neutral expressions, we selected part of the middle frames manually from the video sequence for the next step. Meanwhile, for balancing the number of samples in each emotion, some samples from the multi-PIE database was added. When the number of emotions in multi-PIE was 5 rather than 8, we copied several pictures according to the serial number from the corresponding classes of the remaining three classes in CHEAVD to ensure that the order of magnitudes of eight classes were the same. Meanwhile, we adopted two tactics, rotation and mirroring part of the selected sequences, to guarantee that the numbers of sequences in all classes were balanced.

2.2 Configures and parameters.

The structure and parameters of the audio sub-challenge network are shown in Fig.1 and Tab.1.

The batch size, momentum, total epoch, learning rate, learning decay and weight regression of our network were fixed at 40, 0.9, 600, 0.01, 0.1 and 0.01, respectively. For the video part, after data augmentation, there were approximately 23 000 training images in each class. In the stage of fine-tuning, we set the batch-size and learning rate to be 32 and 0.005. Moreover, the momentum term weight and weight decay factor were fixed at the default value, which are 0.9 and 0.001 5. Finally, a dropout with a rate of 0.5 was applied to the fully connected layers.

When preparing the input of the BRNN, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 are tried to be the fixed length of the sequence and 50 is set to be the final threshold due to its better performance. That is to say, each image will be rotated in sequence by {±7,±15}° or mirroring the images in some sequences, and hence the numbers of eight emotion sequences are 798, 801, 585, 614, 723, 768, 737 and 744, respectively.

For the BRNN configurations, we set the batch-size and learning rate to be 256 and 0.005. The momentum term weight and weight decay factor were fixed at the values of 0.9 and 0.000 5.

Fig.1 The network structure for audio sub-challenge

Tab 1 Parameters of network for audio sub-challenge

LayernameConv1Pool1Conv2Pool2Conv3Pool3Conv4Pool4RNNAlignFCKernelsizeoflayer32323232 Kernelnumber32326464 Strideofkernel12121212 Dimensionalityoflayer158279179139539519719798512512512

3 Results

The challenge organizers provided two evaluation indicators, including average precision and classification accuracy.Tab.2 and Tab.3 depict the best results of audio, video, and multimodal emotion recognition among our submitted ones as well as the baselines provided by the challenge organizers, SYSU[14], which proposed a residual network architecture within the convolutional neural networks framework. Another system i.e., LBPTOP,DCNN and LRCN[15] combined traditional features and deep learning features to address the challenge from the MEC 2016 in terms of average precision and classification accuracy.

Tab.2 Classification accuracy of test sets in emotion recognition %


Tab.3 Classification average precision of test sets in emotion recognition %


From Tab.2 and Tab.3, it is clear to see that we achieve the classification accuracy of 31.53% and the average precision of 37.06% in audio emotion recognition, which has an improvement of more than 5% over the baseline and other methods. Furthermore, our method has the classification accuracy of 31.85% and the average precision of 37.63% in video emotion recognition tasks. In this case, our results are also higher than the baseline and other methods in terms of both evaluation indicators, which increases by 1% or more. Finally, in the multimodal emotion recognition sub-challenge, we have the accuracy of 34.55% and the average precision of 41.15%. Compared with the baseline, it can be clearly seen that our average precision achieved 16.62% improvement and it is 4.73% higher than that of SYSU[12], and 15.8% higher than that of LBPTOP+DCNN+LRCN. In addition, from the three sub-challenge results, it is interesting to see that in terms of the recognition rates including accuracy and average precision, the results of the multimodal case are clearly better than the single modal ones, regardless of audio or video. It is believed that integrating multimodalities benefits emotion recognition performance and one certain modality may contain the discriminative ability for distinguishing some emotions that the other lacks.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a multimodal emotion recognition method based on a deep neural network, which combines the structure of 1D CNN, alignment and B_RNN. The voice feature is extracted with the open-SMILE and the image feature is extracted with adjustive VGG16. Then, the RNN layer is used to find the association between the front and rear frames of the voice and images. All the features are combined to build a new feature to complete emotion recognition. The results from the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition in 2016 show that the proposed method is suitable for recognizing emotion.


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叶佳音 郑文明 李 阳 蔡友谊 崔 振

(东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院, 南京 210029)





Received 2017-05-16,

Revised 2017-08-25.

Biographies:Ye Jiayin(1993—),female,graduate; Zheng Wenming(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor,

Citation:Ye Jiayin, Zheng Wenming, Li Yang, et al. Multimodal emotion recognition based on deep neural network[J].Journal of Southeast University (English Edition),2017,33(4):444-447.
