An explicit representation and computation for the outer inverse

Sheng Xingping1,2 Chen Jianlong1

(1School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)(2School of Mathematics and Statistics, Fuyang Normal University, Fuyang 236037, China)

AbstractFirst, an explicit representation for a matrix ACm×n with the prescribed range T and null space S is derived, which is simpler than is proposed and investigated. Then, the computational complexity of the introduced algorithm is also analyzed in detail. Finally, two numerical examples are shown to illustrate that this method is correct.

Key wordsouter inverse; explicit representation; elementary operation; computational complexity

Throughout this paper, the standard notations in Ref.[1] are used. The symbol denotes the set of all m×n complex matrices with rank r, and Cn represents the n-dimensional complex space. In represents an identity matrix of order n. For ACm×n, symbols R(A), N(A), A*, A-1 and r(A) denote its range, null space, the conjugate transpose, inverse and rank, respectively. R(A) and N(A) are orthogonal complement spaces of R(A) and N(A), respectively. The index of ACn×n, denoted as ind(A), is the smallest nonnegative integer k such that r(Ak)=r(Ak+1).

The {2} -inverse of a matrix ACn×n with the prescribed range T and null space S is defined as follows:

Definition 1[1] If T is a subspace of Cn of dimension sr, and S is a subspace of Cm of dimension m-s, and then A has a {2}-inverse X such that R(X)=T and N(X)=S, if and only if ATS=Cm.

In such a case, X is unique and denoted as proposes a unified representation for six kinds of generalized inverses, such as the Moore-Penrose inverse A, the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse the group inverse Ag, the Drazin inverse Ad, the Bott-Duffin inverse In addition, suppose that the matrix GCn×m satisfies R(G)=T and N(G)=S, then the unified treatment is as follows:

The {2} -inverse plays an important role in a stable approximation of ill-posed problems and in linear and nonlinear problems involving a rank-deficient generalized inverse[2-3]. In particular, {2} -inverse can be used in the iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations[1,4] and in statistics[5-6].

In the past thirty years, numerous experts and scholars investigated the subject of computation and representation for can be seen in Refs.[11-15]. Some other representations and computations can be found in Refs.[16-18]. Recently, some scholars[19-21] used Gauss-Jordan elimination methods to compute Moreover, the computational complexity of these Gauss-Jordan elimination methods are also analyzed in detail.

In 1998, Wei[16] provided an expression of the generalized inverse

Lemma 1[16] Let A, T, S be the same as those in Definition 1. Suppose that GCn×m such that R(G)=T and N(G)=S. If A has a {2} -inverse then



Furthermore, we have


Soon after, Ji[17] enhanced the results of Wei[16] and established another explicit representation of which is shown as follows.

Lemma 2[17] Let A, T, S and G be the same as those in Lemma 1. Let V and U* be matrices whose columns form the bases of N(GA) and N((GA)*), respectively. Define E=VU. Then, E is nonsingular, satisfying

R(E)=R(V)=R(GA), N(E)=N(U)=N(GA)


Moreover, GA+E is nonsingular and


In the following lemma, we will prove V(UV)-2UG=0.

Lemma 3 Let A, T, S and G be the same as those in Lemma 1. Let V and U* be the matrices whose columns form the bases of N(GA) and N((GA)*), respectively. Then,



Proof Since the columns of matrix U* is the basis of N((GA)*), we have (GA)*U*=0, which is also equivalent to UGA=0. This implies R(GA)⊂N(U). From Lemma 1, we know that r(G)=r(GA)=s, which means that R(GA)=R(G). Then, we have UG=0 and Eq.(5) is followed.

In this paper, we first develop the result of Ji[17] and obtain a more brief explicit representation of through elementary operations on an appropriate partitioned matrix is proposed and investigated. The computational complexity of the new algorithm is also analyzed in detail.

1 Main Results

In the following theorem, we establish a new explicit expression for which is simpler than that in Ref.[17].

Theorem 1 Let A, T, S and G be the same as those in Lemma 1. Let V and U* be matrices whose columns form the bases of N(GA) and N((GA)*), respectively. Define E=VU. Then,


Proof Since V(UV)-2UG=0, we obtain Eq.(6) immediately from Eq.(4).

Following the same line of Theorem 1, another explicit representation of {2} -inverse is proposed.

Theorem 2 Let A, T, S and G be the same as those in Lemma 1. Let P and Q* be matrices whose columns form the bases of N(AG) and N((AG)*), respectively. Define F=PQ. Then,


Based on the two explicit representations (6) and (7), a method to calculate through elementary operations on an appropriate partitioned matrix is derived and investigated. We first give the case of mn.

Theorem 3 Let A, T, S and G be the same as those in Lemma 1. Then there are two nonsingular elementary matrices U and V of order n, respectively, such that



where matrix BCs×nand s columns of B are the same as those of Is; furthermore,

Proof According to Lemma 1, we have r(GA)=r(G)=s, then there are two elementary matrices U and V satisfying (8) and (9). This means


Comparing both sides of (10), we drive


We notice that matrices U2 and V2 are row full rank and column full rank matrices, respectively, and then, the above four equalities imply that

GAV2=0, U2GA=0


This implies that


According to the fact that r(U)=r(V2)=n-s=dimN((GA)*)=dimN(GA), we obtain

From Theorem 1, we derive a representation

Theorem 4 Let A, T, S and G be the same as those in Lemma 1. Then, there exist two nonsingular elementary matrices P and Q of order m, respectively, such that



where matrix CCs×m and s columns of C are those of Is; furthermore,

The proof of Theorem 4 is similar to that of Theorem 3.

2 An Algorithm to Based on Gaussian Elimination and the Computational Complexity

Let with mn, and Theorem 3 is summarized in the following algorithm.

Algorithm 1

Input matrices with sr and calculate GA.

Execute elementary row operations on the first n rows and the first n columns of a partitioned matrix

Perform elementary row operations on matrix [GA+V2U2 G] until is reached.

In the following theorem, the computational complexity of Algorithm 1 is analyzed, which only focuses on multiplications and divisions.

Theorem 5 The computational complexity of Algorithm 1 to compute is


Proof It requires mn2 multiplications to form GA. s pivoting steps are needed to transform [GA In] into following r(GA)=s, where matrix BCs×nand s columns of B are the same as those of Is. The first pivoting step involves n+1 non-zero columns in [GA In]. Thus, n divisions and n(n-1) multiplications with a total of n2 multiplications and divisions are required. For the second pivoting step, the first part of the pair reduces one column to deal with, but the second part increases one column, resulting in n+1 columns involved. This pivoting step also requires n2 operations. Continuing this way, it requires sn2 multiplications and divisions to reach the matrix

According to the fact that s columns of B are the same as those of Is, we can directly read V1 and V2. In the third step, n2(n-s) multiplications are required to compute V2U2.

In the fourth step, n pivoting steps are needed to transform [GA+V2U2 G] into The first pivoting step involves n+m non-zero columns in [GA+V2U2 G]. Thus, n+m-1 divisions and (n+m-1)(n-1) multiplications are required with a total of n(n+m-1) multiplications and divisions. For the second pivoting step, There is one less non-zero column in the first part of the pair. There are n+m-1 non-zero columns to deal with. These pivoting steps require n(n+m-2) operations. Following the same idea, the i-th (1≤in) pivoting step needs n(n+m-i) operations. So, it requires


Therefore, the total number of operations for computing is


If mn, the similar algorithm and computation complexities are given as follows.

Algorithm 2

Input: matrix with sr and calculate AG.

Execute elementary row operations on the first m rows and the first m columns of a partitioned matrix is reached.

Theorem 6 The computational complexity of Algorithm 2 to compute is


3 Numerical Examples

The Gauss-Jordan elimination is a popular method for computing the inverse of a nonsingular matrix of low order by hand. In this section, Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 can be used to compute some famous generalized inverses by hand if the size of matrix A is small by choosing the appropriate parameter matrix G.

Example 1[18] Use Algorithm 1 to compute the Drazin inverse Ad of matrix A,where

Solution Simple computation leads to

This implies ind(A)=2. Take G=A2 and perform elementary row and column operations on

Thus, we have s=1 and

From U2 and V2, in view of Algorithm 1, we have

Finally, perform elementary row operations on [AG+V2U2 G]→[I3 Ad]

Therefore, we obtain

Example 2[20] Take It is easy to show that AR(G)⊕N(G)=R3, then we have through elementary operations.

Solution By computing, we have


Executing elementary row operations on the first 3 rows and column operations on the first 3 columns of the following partitioned matrix:

This implies

By direct calculation, we can obtain

Then, we perform the elementary column operation transform and change

This yields

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we establish two new explicit representations for based on the two expressions through elementary operation on the appropriate partitioned matrices. The computation complexities of the two algorithms are also analyzed.


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盛兴平1,2 陈建龙1

(1东南大学数学学院, 南京 211189) (2阜阳师范大学数学与统计学院, 阜阳 236037)




Received 2019-08-23,

Revised 2019-10-13.

Biographies:Sheng Xingping(1976—),male, professor, doctor; Chen Jianlong(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor,

Foundation itemThe National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11771076).

CitationSheng Xingping, Chen Jianlong. An explicit representation and computation for the outer inverse[J].Journal of Southeast University (English Edition),2020,36(1):118-122.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2020.01.015.
