Fundamentals of quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebras

Zhang Senlin Wang Shuanhong

(School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)

AbstractA large class of algebras (possibly nonassociative) with group-coalgebraic structures, called quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebras, is introduced and studied. Quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebras provide a unifying framework for the classical Hopf algebras and Hopf group-coalgebras as well as Hopf quasigroups. Then, basic results similar to those in Hopf algebras H are proved, such as anti-(co)multiplicativity of the antipode S:HH, and S2=id if H is commutative or cocommutative.

Key wordsHopf quasigroup; group-coalgebra; quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebra; convolution algebra

In 2000, Turaev[1] introduced, for group π, the notion of a modular crossed π-category and showed that such a category gives rise to a three-dimensional homotopy quantum field theory with target space K(π,1). Examples of π-categories can be constructed from the so-called Hopf π-coalgebras also introduced in Ref.[1]. The notion of a Hopf π-coalgebra generalizes that of a Hopf algebra. Some mathematicians have contributed to the subject[1-7]. The subject of Hopf π-coalgebras continues to grow in some directions. More recent considerations have led to generalizations of the notion of Hopf π-coalgebras.

The authors in Refs.[8-10] proved that, for every Malcev algebra L, there is an algebra U(L) and a monomorphism ι:L→U(L) of L into the commutator algebra U(L) such that the image of L lies into the alternative center of U(L), and U(L) is a universal object with respect to such homomorphisms.

The algebra U(L), in general, is not alternative, but it has a basis of Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt type over L and inherits some good properties of universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras. If G is a smooth Moufang loop with Malcev algebra (L,[,]) not of characteristic 2, 3, as tangent spaces of G, then the authors in Ref.[11] showed that the enveloping algebra U(L) is a Moufang Hopf quasigroup with the structure maps Δ:U(L)→U(L)⊗U(L),ε:U(L)→k defined by Δ(x)→x⊗1+1⊗x and ε(x)=0 for all xL extended to U(L) as algebra homomorphisms, and S:U(L)→U(L) defined by S(x)=-x extended as an antialgebra homomorphism. Let G act on U(L) by Hopf quasigroup endomorphisms induced by the quasigroup conjugation. Let U(L)G={U(L)α}αG, where the algebra U(L)α is a copy of U(L) for each αG. Fix an identification isomorphism of algebras iα:U(L)→U(L).

For any α,βG, one defines a comultiplication Δα,β:U(L)αβU(L)αU(L)β by Δα,β(iαβ(h))=∑iα(h1)⊗iα(h2) for any hU(L). The counit ε:U(L)1k is defined by ε(i1(h))=ε(h) for hU(L). For any αG, the antipode Sα:U(L)αU(L)α-1 is given by Sα(iα(h))=iα-1(S(h)). The constructions above give a so-called quasigroup Hopf G-coalgebra in this paper.

The aim of the present paper is to establish the existence of integrals for a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebras.

Throughout the paper, we let π be a discrete group (with neutral element 1) and k be a field (although much of what we do is valid over any commutative ring). We use the Sweedler notation to express the coproduct of a coalgebra C as Δ(c)=∑c1c2[12]. We set k*=k{0}. All algebras are supposed to be over k and unitary, but not necessarily associative. The tensor product ⊗=⊗k is always assumed to be over k. If U and V are k-spaces, σU,V:UVVU will denote the flip map defined by σU,V(uv)=vu.

1 Preliminaries

1.1 Group-coalgebras

We recall from Ref.[2] that a π-coalgebra (over k) is a family C={Cα}απ of k-spaces endowed with a family Δ={Δα,β:CαβCαCβ}α,βπ of k-linear maps (the comultiplication) and a k-linear map ε:C1k(the counit) such that Δ is coassociative in the following sense that, for any α,β,γπ,

The coassociativity axiom


The counit axiom


Note that (C1,Δ1,1,ε) is the usual coalgebra.

We extend the Sweedler notation for a comultiplication in the following way: for any α,βπ and cCαβ, we write


or shortly, if we leave the summation implicit, Δα,β(c)=c(1,α)c(2,β). The coassociativity axiom gives that, for any α,β,γπ, and cCαβγ,


The element of CαCβCγ is written as c(1,α)c(2,β)c(3,γ). By iterating the procedure, we define inductively c(1,α1)⊗…⊗c(n,αn), for any cCα1αn.

1.2 Convolution algebras

Let C=({Cα},Δ,ε)απ be a π-coalgebra and (A,m,1A) be an (not necessarily associative) algebra with multiplication m and unit element 1A. For any f∈Homk(Cα,A) and g∈Homk(Cβ,A), we define their convolution product by


Using the coassociativity axiom and counit axiom, one verifies that the k-space

endowed with the convolution product * and the unit element ε1A, is a not necessarily associative π-graded algebra, called convolution algebra.

In particular, for A=k, the associative π-graded algebra is called dual to C and is denoted by C*.

1.3 Hopf quasigroups

Recall from Definition 4.1 in Ref.[11] that a Hopf quasigroup is a unital algebra H(possibly nonassociative) equipped with algebra homomorphisms Δ:HHH,ε:Hk forming a coassociative coalgebra and a map S:HH such that



Remark 1 A Hopf quasigroup is a Hopf algebra iff its product is associative.

2 Quasigroup Hopf Group-Coalgebras

Definition 1 A quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebra over π is a π-coalgebra H=({Hα}απ,Δ={Δα,β:HαβHαHβ}α,βπ,ε), endowed with a family S={Sα:HαHα-1}απ of k-linear maps (the antipode) such that the following conditions hold:

Axiom 1 Each (Hα,mα,1α) is not a necessarily associative algebra with multiplication mα and unit element 1αHα.

Axiom 2 For all α,βπ, Δα,β and ε are algebra homomorphisms .

Axiom 3 For all απ,



Axiom 4 For all απ,



In this paper, a quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebra over π is called a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra. We note that the notion of a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra is not self-dual and that (H1,m1,11,Δ1,1,ε,S1) is a (classical) Hopf quasigroup. One can easily verify that a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra is a Hopf π-coalgebra if and only if its product is associative.

Definition 2 1) A quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra H is commutative if each mα is commutative.

2) A quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra H=({Hα},Δ,ε)απ is cocommutative if, for any απ,Δα,α-1=σHα-1,HαΔα-1,α, i.e. for any hH1, h(1,α)h(2,α-1)=h(2,α)h(1,α-1).

3) A quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra H=({Hα},Δ,ε)απ is the first flexible if


απ, hH1, gHα

and the second flexible if


απ, hH1, gHα.

4) A quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra H=({Hα},Δ,ε)απ is the first alternative if, for any απ,hH1,gHα,



and the second alternative if, for any απ,hH1,gHα,



5) A quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra H=({Hα},Δ,ε)απ is called the first Moufang if, for any απ,hH1,g,fHα,


and the second Moufang if, for any απ,hH1,g,fHα,


A quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra H=({Hα},Δ,ε)απ is said to be of finite type if, for all απ,Hαis finite dimensional (over k). Note that it does not mean that is finite-dimensional (unless Hα≠0, for all but a finite number of απ).

The antipode S={Sα}απ of H is said to be bijective if each Sα is bijective. We will later show that it is bijective whenever H is of finite type [12].

Example 1 Let (H,m,Δ,ε,S) be a Hopf quasigroup and the group π act on H by Hopf quasigroup endomorphisms.

1) Set Hπ={Hα}απ where the algebra Hα is a copy of H for each απ. Fix an identification isomorphism of algebras iα:HHα. For α,βπ, one defines a comultiplication Δα,β:HαβHαHβ by Δα,β(iαβ(h))=∑iα(h1)⊗iβ(h2) for any hH. The counit ε:H1k is defined by ε(i1(h))=ε(h) for hH. For any απ, the antipode Sα:HαHα-1 is given by Sα(iα(h))=iα-1(S(h)). All the axioms of a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra for Hπ follow directly from definitions. Let be the same family of algebras {Hα=H}απ with the same counit, the comultiplication and the antipode Sα:HαHα-1 defined by follow from definitions. Both Hπ and as Hopf quasigroups.

2) In particular, if G is a smooth Moufang loop with Malcev algebra (L,[,]) not of characteristic 2, 3, as tangent spaces of G, then the enveloping algebra U(L) in Ref.[12] is a Moufang Hopf quasigroup with the structure maps Δ:U(L)→U(L)⊗U(L),ε:U(L)→k defined by Δ(x)=x⊗1+1⊗x and ε(x)=0 for all xL extended to U(L) as algebra homomorphisms, and S:U(L)→U(L) defined by S(x)=-x extended as an antialgebra homomorphism. Let G act on U(L) by Hopf algebra endomorphisms induced by the quasigroup conjugation. The constructions above give a quasigroup Hopf G-coalgebras (U(L))G={U(L)α}αG and where each U(L)α is a copy of U(L) sitting at αG.

Theorem 1 Let H be a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra. Then

mα(Sα-1idHα)Δα-1,α=1αε=mα(idHαSα-1)Δα,α-1, ∀απ.





Proof ① is obtained by applying Axiom 3 in the definition of a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra to h⊗1α,∀απ,hH1. We now show 4) as follows:

for all hH1,






and also, one has





Furthermore, for any hHαβ,





(Sαβ(h(1,αβ))(1,β-1)h(2,β-1))Sβ(h(4,β))⊗(Sαβ(h(1,αβ))(2,α-1)ε(h(3,1))) (by Axiom 4)=





To show ②, we observe that











Thus, Sαmα=mασHα,Hα(SαSα),∀απ,a,bHα.

Finally, it is easy to obtain ③ and ⑤ by ①.

This completes the proof.

Corollary 1 Let H=({Hα}απ,Δ,ε) be a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra with the antipode S={Sα}απ. Then, Sα is the unique convolution inverse of idHα-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hα-1), for all απ.

Proof Theorem 1① says that Sα is a convolution inverse of idHα-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hα-1), for all απ.

Fix απ. Let Tα be a right convolution inverse of idHα-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hα-1). For all hHα,





and so Tα=Sα.

Fix απ. Let Tα now be a left convolution inverse of idHα-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hα-1). For all hHα, similarly we have,





and thus, Tα=Sα. Therefore, Sα is the unique convolution inverse of idHα-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hα-1), for all απ. This completes the proof.

Corollary 2 Let H be a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra with the antipode S={Sα}απ. Then, Δβ-1,α-1Sαβ is the unique convolution inverse of Δβ-1,α-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hβ-1Hα-1), for all α,βπ.

Proof One can see directly from the proof of Theorem 1(4) that Δβ-1,α-1Sαβ is a convolution inverse of Δβ-1,α-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hβ-1Hα-1), for all α,βπ. Fix α,βπ. Let Tβ-1,α-1 be a right convolution inverse of Δβ-1,α-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hβ-1Hα-1).

We write Tβ-1,α-1(h):=Tβ-1(h)1Tα-1(h)2. For all hHαβ, we have








(by Axiom 3)=




which implies that Δβ-1,α-1Sαβ=Tβ-1,α-1. Fix α,βπ. Let Tβ-1,α-1 be a left convolution inverse of Δβ-1,α-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hβ-1Hα-1). In a similar manner, we can deduce by Axiom 4 that Δβ-1,α-1Sαβ=Tβ-1,α-1.

Δβ-1,α-1Sαβ is thus the unique convolution inverse of Δβ-1,α-1 in the convolution algebra Conv(H,Hβ-1Hα-1), for all α,βπ. This completes the proof.

Corollary 3 According to Theorem 1①, each quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra is both the first alternative and the second alternative.

Corollary 4 Let H={Hα}απ be a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra. Then, {απ|Hα≠0} is a subgroup of π.

Proof Set G={απ|Hα≠0}. Since ε(11)=1k≠0, we first have 11≠0,i.e.H1≠0, and so 1∈G. Then, let α,βG. Using Axiom 2, one can also see that Δα,β(1αβ)=1α⊗1β≠0. Then, 1αβ≠0 and so αβG. Finally, let αG. By Theorem 1③, Sα-1(1α-1)=1α≠0. Thus, 1α-1≠0 and hence, α-1G. This completes the proof.

Theorem 2 Let H be a quasigroup Hopf π-coalgebra. Then, for any απ, Sα-1Sα=idHα if H is commutative or cocommutative.

Proof For any απ. Let hHα. If H is commutative, we have





(h(2,α)S1(h(1,1))(1,α))Sα-1(S1 (h(1,1))(2,α-1))=


It follows that Sα-1Sα=idHα.

If H is cocommutative, we find that








It also follows that Sα-1Sα=idHα. This completes the proof.


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张森林 王栓宏

(东南大学数学学院, 南京 211189)




Received 2020-08-01,Revised 2020-12-20.

Biographies:Zhang Senlin (1989—), male, Ph.D. candidate; Wang Shuanhong (corresponding author), male, doctor, professor,

Foundation items:The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11371088, 11571173, 11871144), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No.BK20171348).

CitationZhang Senlin, Wang Shuanhong.Fundamentals of quasigroup Hopf group-coalgebras[J].Journal of Southeast University (English Edition),2021,37(1):114-118.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2021.01.015.
