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[1] Deng Xiaolong**, Yuan Chunhua, Ju Rui, Huang Hongbin, et al. On-Off Intermittency Route to Chaos Synchronizationand Spatial Periodic Synchronization of Chaosin Coupled Arrays of Chaotic Systems* [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2002, 18 (1): 95-98. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2002.01.019]

On-Off Intermittency Route to Chaos Synchronizationand Spatial Periodic Synchronization of Chaosin Coupled Arrays of Chaotic Systems*()
耦合混沌系统中开关间歇性同步途径 趋于混沌同步及空间周期性混沌同步

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2002 1
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


On-Off Intermittency Route to Chaos Synchronizationand Spatial Periodic Synchronization of Chaosin Coupled Arrays of Chaotic Systems*
耦合混沌系统中开关间歇性同步途径 趋于混沌同步及空间周期性混沌同步
Deng Xiaolong** Yuan Chunhua Ju Rui Huang Hongbin
Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
邓晓龙 袁春华 具睿 黄洪斌
东南大学物理系, 南京 210096
Lorenz oscillator chaos synchronization intermittency chaos spatio-periodic chaos
Lorenz振子 混沌同步 间歇性混沌 空间周期性混沌
Chaos synchronization of coupled nonlinear systems is ubiquitous in nature and science. Dynamic behaviors of coupled ring and linear arrays of unidirectionally coupled Lorenz oscillators are studied numerically. We find that chaos synchronization in circular arrays of chaotic systems can occur through the on-off intermittent synchronization with a power-law distribution of laminar phases. And in the coupled ring and linear array it is found that the chaotic rotating waves generated from the ring propagate with spatial periodic synchronization along the linear array.
自然界与科学研究中耦合的非线性系统的混沌同步普遍存在.本文研究了单向耦合的环型和线型Lorenz振子的动力学行为.我们发现环型耦合的混沌系统通过开关间歇性同步趋向混沌同步, 此间歇性同步符合层流相指数幂分布规律.这种趋向混沌同步的转变与环型中单个Lorenz振子由间歇性混沌趋向混沌的途径有密切关系.在环型、线型耦合中, 环型中产生的混沌旋转波与其在线型中传播产生的波空间周期性同步.


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[11] Deng Xiaolong, Huang Hongbin. Spatial periodic synchronization of chaos in coupled ring and linear arrays of chaotic systems[J]. Accepted by Phys Rev E.


* The project supported by the Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education of China(GG-0702-10286-1562).
** Born in 1977, male, graduate.
Last Update: 2002-03-20