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[1] Wang Jiangang, Ruan Xinbo, Chen Qianhong, et al. Design considerations for the improvedcurrent-doubler-rectifier ZVS PWM full-bridge converter [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2003, 19 (3): 256-263. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2003.03.011]

Design considerations for the improvedcurrent-doubler-rectifier ZVS PWM full-bridge converter()
改进型倍流整流方式ZVS PWM全桥变换器的设计

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2003 3
Research Field:
Electrical Engineering
Publishing date:


Design considerations for the improvedcurrent-doubler-rectifier ZVS PWM full-bridge converter
改进型倍流整流方式ZVS PWM全桥变换器的设计
Wang Jiangang1 2 Ruan Xinbo1 Chen Qianhong1
1Aero-Power Sci-tech Center, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng 22403, China
王建冈1 2 阮新波1 陈乾宏1
1南京航空航天大学航空电源重点实验室, 南京 210016; 2盐城工学院电气工程系, 盐城 224003
full-bridge converter zero-voltage-switching pulse-width-modulation current-doubler-rectifier
全桥变换器 零电压开关 脉宽调制 倍流整流电路
The improved current-doubler-rectifier zero-voltage-switching PWM full-bridge converter(CDR ZVS PWM FB converter)achieves ZVS for the switches in a wide load range with the use of the energy stored in the output filter inductances, and the rectifier diodes commute naturally, therefore no oscillation and voltage spike occurs. The transformer needs no special manufacture method to limit the leakage inductance. The ZVS achievement and the design considerations for the output filter inductances and the blocking capacitor are discussed for the improved CDR ZVS PWM FB converter. A 540 W prototype converter is built in the lab to verify the operational principle and design considerations for the improved converter, the experimental results are also included.
针对改进型倍流整流电路零电压开关PWM全桥变换器(CDR ZVS PWM FB变换器), 讨论了超前管和滞后管各自实现ZVS的特点, 对滤波电感的电感值和阻断电容的电容值进行了优化选择, 使变换器在很宽的负载和输入电压范围内实现开关管的ZVS, 输出整流二极管实现自然换流, 没有电压尖峰, 同时对变压器的漏感没有严格要求.通过一个540 W的原理样机验证改进型变换器的工作原理和设计的正确性, 最后给出了实验结果.


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Biographies: Wang Jiangang(1968—), female, graduate; Ruan Xinbo(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, ruanxb@nuaa.edu.cn.
Last Update: 2003-09-20