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[1] Zhang Yi, Xue Yun,. Conserved quantities from Lie symmetriesfor nonholonomic systems [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2003, 19 (3): 289-292. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2003.03.017]

Conserved quantities from Lie symmetriesfor nonholonomic systems()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2003 3
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


Conserved quantities from Lie symmetriesfor nonholonomic systems
Zhang Yi1 Xue Yun2
1Department of Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Suzhou, Suzhou 215011, China
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Applied Technology, Shanghai 200233, China
张毅 薛纭
苏州科技学院土木工程系, 苏州 215011) (上海应用技术学院机械工程系, 上海 200233
analytical mechanics nonholonomic system symmetry conserved quantity
分析力学 非完整系统 对称性 守恒量
This paper presents a new method to seek the conserved quantity from a Lie symmetry without using either Lagrangians or Hamiltonians for nonholonomic systems. The differential equations of motion of the systems are established. The definition of the Lie symmetrical transformations of the systems is given, which only depends upon the infinitesimal transformations of groups for the generalized coordinates. The conserved quantity is directly constructed in terms of the Lie symmetry of the systems. The condition under which the Lie symmetry can lead to the conserved quantity and the form of the conserved quantity are obtained. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the application of the result.
提出了由非完整系统的Lie对称性求守恒量的一种新方法, 该方法不依赖于系统的Lagrangian函数或Hamiltonian结构.建立了系统的运动微分方程, 给出了系统仅依赖于广义坐标的无限小群变换的Lie对称变换的定义, 并直接由系统的Lie对称性构造守恒量, 得到了Lie对称性导致守恒量的条件及守恒量的形式.最后举例说明结果的应用.


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Biography: Zhang Yi(1964—), male, doctor, professor, weidiezh@pub.sz.jsinfo.net.
Last Update: 2003-09-20