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[1] Ma Zhitao, Tan Yunliang, Zhang Ting,. Modeling of rock failure based on physical cellular automata [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2005, 21 (3): 348-352. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2005.03.020]

Modeling of rock failure based on physical cellular automata()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2005 3
Research Field:
Civil Engineering
Publishing date:


Modeling of rock failure based on physical cellular automata
Ma Zhitao1 Tan Yunliang2 Zhang Ting1
1 Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
2 College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China
马志涛1 谭云亮2 张霆1
1河海大学岩土工程与科学研究所, 南京 210098; 2山东科技大学资源与环境工程学院, 青岛 266510
rock failure acoustic emission heterogeneous characteristic physical cellular automata Weibull distribution
岩石破坏 声发射 非均质性 物理元胞自动机 Weibull随机分布
To analyze the effects of heterogeneous material characteristics on rock failure, a micro-heterogeneous physical cellular automata(Mh-PCA)model is introduced according to the cellular automata theory from a general power view.In this model, the neighbor is the Moore pattern and the Weibull distribution is adopted to simulate the rock heterogeneousness.Using this model, the evolvements and acoustic emission of rock failure are simulated for four materials of different degree of homogeneousness(m=1, 5, 10, 15).The results show that the heterogeneous characteristic has a great effect on the rock failure, the more the homogeneousness, the fewer the crack branches and the more concentrated acoustic emissions.The physical cellular automata theory gives a new idea for studying rock failure.
为了分析岩石材料的非均质性对其破坏演化的影响, 根据元胞自动机理论, 从能量的角度建立了一种能够从细观层次上对岩石破坏演化进行模拟的物理元胞自动机模型(Mh-PCA模型), 模型引用的Weibull随机分布函数对材料的非均质性进行描述.运用该模型, 对m分别为1, 5, 10, 15四种不同均质度材料的破坏模式及其破坏过程中的声发射现象进行了模拟分析.结果表明:材料的非均质性对其破坏有重要的影响, 均质度越高, 破坏过程中的分支裂纹越少, 声发射也越集中.物理元胞自动机理论为岩石的破坏研究提供了一种新的研究思路.


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Biography: Ma Zhitao(1974—), male, graduate, mzt123@sina.com.
Last Update: 2005-09-20