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[1] Shi Minglei, Pang Feng, Zhang Bo,. Behaviors of pile-supported embankments in highway engineering [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2005, 21 (4): 495-499. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2005.04.024]

Behaviors of pile-supported embankments in highway engineering()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2005 4
Research Field:
Civil Engineering
Publishing date:


Behaviors of pile-supported embankments in highway engineering
Shi Minglei Pang Feng Zhang Bo
College of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
石名磊 庞峰 张波
东南大学交通学院, 南京 210096
variational approach pile-supported embankment composite foundation improved by columns settlement calculation
变分方法 桩承垫层路堤 竖向加固体复合地基 沉降计算
Based on the variational approach for pile groups embedded in soil modeled using a load-transfer curve method, a practical method was conducted to estimate the settlement of symmetric pile group supported embankments. The working mechanism of composite foundations improved by rigid or semi-rigid columns is analyzed by this method. Under equivalent strain conditions, the pile-soil stress ratio approaches the pile-soil modulus ratio up to a limited value of pile stiffness(Rm<10); in the subsequent stages of high pile stiffness(Rm>10), a further increase in the pile-soil modulus ratio cannot lead to a significant increase of stress transferred to the columns in composite foundations. The major influencing factor of the stress concentration from soil to pile in a high pile-soil modulus ratio is the padding stiffness. For the composite foundation improved by cement mixing columns, the effective column length is about 15 to 20 m and it is a more economical and effective design when the column length is less than 15 m.
基于土中群桩分析变分原理, 结合桩间土荷载传递法, 建立了实用群桩沉降计算方法, 并应用于对称桩承路堤结构分析.采用该计算方法, 分析了刚性、半刚性竖向加固体复合地基的工作机理.在等应变条件下, 桩土模量比相对较低时(Rm<10), 桩土应力比与桩土模量比相近;在桩土模量比较高时(Rm>10), 桩身模量提高对复合地基应力集中的影响减弱.垫层刚度直接影响桩土模量增加对应力集中的作用效果.水泥搅拌桩有效桩长为15~20 m, 采用小于15 m桩长的经济效益和加固效率更加.


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Biography: Shi Minglei(1962—), male, doctor, associate professor, Mingleish@263.net.
Last Update: 2005-12-20