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[1] Dai Benqiu, Lin Wensong,. Real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2009, 25 (4): 557-562. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2009.04.030]

Real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2009 4
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


Real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs
Dai Benqiu Lin Wensong
Department of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
L(j k)-labeling real L(j k)-labeling L(j k)edge span real L(j k)edge span frequency assignment
An L(j, k)-labeling of a graph G is an assignment of nonnegative integers to the vertices of G such that adjacent vertices receive integers which are at least j apart, and vertices at distance two receive integers which are at least k apart. Given an L(j, k)-labeling f of G, define the L(j, k)edge span of f, βj, k, (G, f)=max{|f(x)-f(y)|: {x, y}∈E(G)}. The L(j, k)edge span of G, βj, k, (G)is min βj, k, (G, f), where the minimum runs over all L(j, k)-labelings f of G. The real L(j, k)-labeling of a graph G is a generalization of the L(j, k)-labeling. It is an assignment of nonnegative real numbers to the vertices of G satisfying the same distance one and distance two conditions. The real L(j, k)edge span of a graph G is defined accordingly, and is denoted by (^overβ)j, k, (G). This paper investigates some properties of the L(j, k)edge span and the real L(j, k)edge span of graphs, and completely determines the edge spans of cycles and complete t-partite graphs.


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Biographies: Dai Benqiu(1980—), male, graduate; Lin Wensong(corresponding author), male, doctor, associate professor, wslin@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.10971025).
Citation: Dai Benqiu, Lin Wensong. Real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs[J]. Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2009, 25(4): 557-562.
Last Update: 2009-12-20