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[1] Zhou Yuqing, Yang Yonghong,. Gauge dependence of chiral condensate and fermion massby an unquenched model [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2011, 27 (1): 111-114. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.01.023]

Gauge dependence of chiral condensate and fermion massby an unquenched model()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2011 1
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


Gauge dependence of chiral condensate and fermion massby an unquenched model
Zhou Yuqing Yang Yonghong
Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
周雨青 杨永宏
东南大学物理系, 南京 211189
quantum electrodynamics(QED3) unquenched fermion-boson vertex fermion chiral condensate quenched drawback
三维量子电动力学 非淬火 费米子-玻色子顶角 费米子手征凝聚 淬火 缺陷
Based on three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics theory, a set of truncated Dyson-Schwinger(D-S)equations are solved to study photon and fermion propagators with the effect of vacuum polarization. Numerical studies show that condensation and the value of fermion mass depends heavily on how the D-S equations are truncated. By solving a set of coupled D-S equations, it is also found that the fermion propagator shows a clear dependence on the order parameter. The truncated D-S equations under unquenched approximation are used to study the mass-function and chiral condensation of the fermions. The results under the unquenched approximation are clearly different from the ones under quenched approximation. With the increase in the order parameter, the fermion condensation in the unquenched approximation decreases when 0≤ξ<5, while it increases when ξ>5. However, nothing like this is observed in the quenched approximation, which indicates that there may be flaws in the quenched approximations.
基于三维量子电动力学理论, 用截断的Dyson-Schwinger(D-S)方程研究带有真空极化效应的光子传播子和费米传播子.数值计算表明, 凝聚和费米质量的数值取决于截断方案.在有限耦合D-S方程基础上, 还发现费米传播子函数明显依赖于序参量ξ.采用非淬火近似, 利用截断的费米子所满足的D-S方程研究了费米子手征凝聚和费米子的质量函数.在不同的截断方案下, 发现采用非淬火近似得到的结果均明显不同于采用淬火近似所得的结果:前者有明显的回弯现象, 即0≤ξ<5范围内, 随ξ的增加, 费米凝聚减少, 在ξ>5的所有范围内, 费米凝聚增加;而淬火近似没有此现象.这说明淬火近似可能有缺陷.


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Biography: Zhou Yuqing(1961—), male, master, associate professor, zhou_yuqing@263.net.
Foundation items: The Science Foundation of Southeast University, the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11047005).
Citation: Zhou Yuqing, Yang Yonghong. Gauge dependence of chiral condensate and fermion mass by an unquenched model[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2011, 27(1):111-114.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2011.01.023]
Last Update: 2011-03-20