|Table of Contents|

[1] Shao Yali, Wang Xudong, Jin Baosheng, et al. Numerical simulation of solid circulation mechanismand gas flow paths in a chemical looping combustion system [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2021, 37 (3): 272-275. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2021.03.006]

Numerical simulation of solid circulation mechanismand gas flow paths in a chemical looping combustion system()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2021 3
Research Field:
Energy and Power Engineering
Publishing date:


Numerical simulation of solid circulation mechanismand gas flow paths in a chemical looping combustion system
Shao Yali1 2 Wang Xudong2 Jin Baosheng2
1School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
chemical looping combustion two-stage air reactor solid circulation gas leakage
To study the gas-solid flow characteristics in a chemical looping combustion system integrated with a moving bed air reactor, a 3D full-loop numerical model was established using the Eulerian-Eulerian approach integrated with the kinetic theory of granular flow. The solid circulation mechanism and gas leakage performance were studied in detail. The simulation results showed that in the start-up process, the solid circulation rate first increased to approximately 5 kg/s and then dropped to approximately 1.2 kg/s; this observation was related to the dynamic control of the pressure distribution. In this system, the gas leakage between the inertial separator, upper air reactor, and lower air reactor was restrained by adjusting the pressure difference, thus obtaining optimal gas flow paths. When the pressures at the outlets of the inertial separator, upper air reactor, and lower air were 7.4, 11.0, and 14.6 kPa, respectively, the gas leakage ratio was less than 1% in the system.


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Biographies: Shao Yali(1993—), female, Ph.D. candidate, lecturer; Jin Baosheng(corresponding author), male, professor, bsjin@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 51976034), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No. 2020M681455), the National Key R&D Program of China(No. 2018YFC1901200), Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
Citation: Shao Yali, Wang Xudong, Jin Baosheng.Numerical simulation of solid circulation mechanism and gas flow paths in a chemical looping combustion system[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2021, 37(3):272-275.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2021.03.006.
Last Update: 2021-09-20