|Table of Contents|

[1] Liu Gang, Chen Leilei, Qian Zhendong, Zhou Xiayang, et al. Rutting influencing factors and prediction modelfor asphalt pavements based on the factor analysis method [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2021, 37 (4): 421-428. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2021.04.012]

Rutting influencing factors and prediction modelfor asphalt pavements based on the factor analysis method()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2021 4
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Rutting influencing factors and prediction modelfor asphalt pavements based on the factor analysis method
Liu Gang Chen Leilei Qian Zhendong Zhou Xiayang
Intelligent Transport System Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
刘刚 陈磊磊 钱振东 周夏阳
东南大学智能运输系统研究中心, 南京 211189
asphalt pavement rutting prediction influencing factors RIOHTrack full-scale track factor analysis method
沥青路面 车辙预估 影响因素 RIOHTrack足尺环道 因子分析方法
To clarify the importance of various influencing factors on asphalt pavement rutting deformation and determine a screening method of model indicators, the data of the RIOHTrack full-scale track were examined using the factor analysis method(FAM). Taking the standard test pavement structure of RIOHTrack as an example, four rutting influencing factors from different aspects were determined through statistical analysis. Furthermore, the common influencing factors among the rutting influencing factors were studied based on FAM. Results show that the common factor can well characterize accumulative ESALs, center-point deflection, and temperature, besides humidity, which indicates that these three influencing factors can have an important impact on rutting. Moreover, an empirical rutting prediction model was established based on the selected influencing factors, which proved to exhibit high prediction accuracy. These analysis results demonstrate that the FAM is an effective screening method for rutting prediction model indicators, which provides a reference for the selection of independent model indicators in other rutting prediction model research when used in other areas and is of great significance for the prediction and control of rutting distress.
为了明确沥青路面各影响因素对于车辙的重要程度和预估模型指标的筛选方法, 基于因子分析方法对RIOHTrack足尺环道实测数据进行了研究.以环道标准试验路面结构为例, 通过统计分析明确了4个方面的车辙影响因素, 进而基于因子分析方法研究了各影响因素之间的公共影响因子.结果表明, 合成的公因子能够很好地表征标准轴载累积作用次数、环境温度和中心点弯沉, 而不能很好地表征环境湿度, 说明除了环境湿度外其他3个影响因素能够对车辙产生重要影响.此外, 基于筛选指标建立了经验法车辙预估模型, 该模型对于车辙预估具有较高的准确性.这说明因子分析方法是一种有效的指标筛选方法, 为其他地区车辙预估模型指标筛选提供了借鉴, 对于车辙病害的预估和防治具有重要意义.


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Biographies: Liu Gang(1994—), male, Ph.D. candidate; Chen Leilei(corresponding author), male, doctor, associate professor, chenleilei@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Key Research and Development Program of China(No. 2018YFB1600300, 2018YFB1600304, 2018YFB1600305), Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province(No. KYCX21_0133), the Scientific Research Foundation of Graduate School of Southeast University.
Citation: Liu Gang, Chen Leilei, Qian Zhendong, et al. Rutting influencing factors and prediction model for asphalt pavements based on the factor analysis method[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2021, 37(4):421-428.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2021.04.012.
Last Update: 2021-12-20