|Table of Contents|

[1] Zhang Puyang, Ma Yuxuan, Liu Yang, Xu Yunlong, et al. Experimental study of pre-cracked concrete subjected tocryogenic freeze-thaw cycles based on an LNG concrete tank [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2022, 38 (3): 260-269. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2022.03.007]

Experimental study of pre-cracked concrete subjected tocryogenic freeze-thaw cycles based on an LNG concrete tank()
基于LNG混凝土储罐的预制裂缝混凝土 超低温冻融循环试验研究

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2022 3
Research Field:
Materials Sciences and Engineering
Publishing date:


Experimental study of pre-cracked concrete subjected tocryogenic freeze-thaw cycles based on an LNG concrete tank
基于LNG混凝土储罐的预制裂缝混凝土 超低温冻融循环试验研究
Zhang Puyang1 Ma Yuxuan1 Liu Yang2 Xu Yunlong1 Ding Hongyan1
1State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
2CNOOC Petroleum and Gas Power Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100020, China
张浦阳1 马宇轩1 刘洋2 许云龙1 丁红岩1
1天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室, 天津 300072; 2中海石油气电集团有限公司, 北京 100020
cryogenic temperature freeze-thaw cycle pre-cracked concrete steel fibers mechanical properties
超低温 冻融循环 预制裂缝混凝土 钢纤维 力学性能
To investigate the mechanical properties of concrete under the leakage condition for a liquefied natural gas storage tank, cryogenic freeze-thaw cycle tests were performed under liquid nitrogen refrigeration and water immersion melting. The effects of the cryogenic temperature, freeze-thaw cycle, pre-crack, and addition of steel fiber on the compressive strength, flexural strength, and splitting tensile concrete strength were analyzed. The experimental results show that the width of pre-cracks tends to expand after freeze-thaw cycles. When the freezing temperature is -80 ℃, the relative width of the pre-cracks expands by 1 to 2 times. However, when the freezing temperature is -120 ℃, the relative width of the pre-cracks expands by 2 to 5 times. Compared with the specimens without steel fibers, the specimens with steel fibers can still maintain a relatively complete appearance structure after the mechanical property tests. The compressive strength, flexural strength, and splitting tensile concrete strength decrease with the drop in the freezing temperature. After adding steel fibers, all of the three strengths increased.
为探究液化天然气混凝土储罐泄露工况下混凝土的物理力学特性, 采用液氮制冷和浸水融化的方式, 开展了混凝土超低温冻融循环试验, 分析了超低温、冻融循环、预制裂缝、是否掺加钢纤维等因素对混凝土抗压强度、抗折强度、劈裂抗拉强度的影响.试验结果表明, 预制裂缝宽度在冻融循环后呈扩大趋势.当冷冻温度为-80 ℃时, 预制裂缝相对宽度扩大1~2倍;当冷冻温度为-120 ℃时, 预制裂缝相对宽度扩大2~5倍.与未掺加钢纤维的混凝土试件相比, 掺有钢纤维的混凝土试件经历力学性能试验后仍能保持较完整的外观结构.混凝土抗压强度、抗折强度、劈裂抗拉强度随冷冻温度降低而减小, 掺加钢纤维后则均有所提高.


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Biography: Zhang Puyang(1978—), male, doctor, associate professor, zpy_td@163.com.
Citation: Zhang Puyang, Ma Yuxuan, Liu Yang, et al.Experimental study of pre-cracked concrete subjected to cryogenic freeze-thaw cycles based on an LNG concrete tank[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2022, 38(3):260-269.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2022.03.007.
Last Update: 2022-09-20