|Table of Contents|

[1] Shi Mingzhang, Lin Jyhdong,. Effectiveness evaluation of railway traffic safetybased on the DEMATEL, AHP, and ANP methods [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2023, 39 (2): 133-141. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2023.02.004]

Effectiveness evaluation of railway traffic safetybased on the DEMATEL, AHP, and ANP methods()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2023 2
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Effectiveness evaluation of railway traffic safetybased on the DEMATEL, AHP, and ANP methods
Shi Mingzhang Lin Jyhdong
College of Engineering, Central University, Taoyuan 320953, China
railway safety safety management system(SMS) decision making trial and evaluation laboratory(DEMATEL)method analytical hierarchy process(AHP)method analytical network process(ANP)method
To improve railway traffic safety management of Taiwan, China, five key factors and eighteen secondary factors for traffic safety were identified based on the practical experiences of railway administrations in the European Union and Japan. The factor interdependence was calculated using the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory(DEMATEL)and analytic hierarchy process(AHP)methods. Empirical studies were performed using the questionnaire. The analytical network process(ANP)method was used to evaluate the correlation degree and the relative weight ranking of each factor. The results show that safety risk management, top management commitment, safety responsibilities and key personnel, safety policy goals and resources, safety education and training, and aptitude management are the five most important factors to improve railway safety. Empirical results indicate that improving organizational culture is the leading determinant for increasing safety management effectiveness. Reviewing the current safety management systems, improving key personnel professionalism, and demonstrating the commitment of top management to safety are the key points. Continuous improvement and implementation of safety culture can gradually enhance the effectiveness of railway safety.


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Biographies: Shih Mingzhang(1964—), male, Ph.D. candidate; Lin Jyhdong(corresponding author), male, doctor, professor, lee@ceci.org.tw.
Citation: Shi Mingzhang, Lin Jyhdong. Effectiveness evaluation of railway traffic safety based on the DEMATEL, AHP, and ANP methods[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2023, 39(2):133-141.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2023.02.004.
Last Update: 2023-06-20