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[1] Zhao Changsui, Wang Wenxuan, Wang Fengjun, Chen Chuanmin, et al. SO2 emission characteristics from co-firingof petroleum coke and coal in circulating fluidized bed [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2005, 21 (1): 48-52. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2005.01.011]

SO2 emission characteristics from co-firingof petroleum coke and coal in circulating fluidized bed()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2005 1
Research Field:
Environmental Science and Engineering
Publishing date:


SO2 emission characteristics from co-firingof petroleum coke and coal in circulating fluidized bed
Zhao Changsui Wang Wenxuan Wang Fengjun Chen Chuanmin Han Song
Key Laboratory of Clean Coal Power Generation and Combustion Technology of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
赵长遂 王文选 王凤君 陈传敏 韩松
东南大学洁净煤发电及燃烧技术教育部重点实验室, 南京 210096
circulating fluidized bed petroleum coke coal co-firing desulfurization
循环流化床 石油焦 混合燃烧 脱硫
Combustion and sulfur retention experiments of mixed fuel of petroleum coke and coal were conducted on a pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed(CFB)combustor with the thermal input of 0.6 MW.The effects of several parameters, such as the primary air percentage, excess air coefficient, bed temperature, Ca/S molar ratio and mass ratio of petroleum coke to coal on SO2 emission were verified.Experimental results show that when the ratio of petroleum coke to coal in the mixed fuel increases, the SO2 emission increases.The maximum SO2 emission appears when pure coke burns.The SO2 concentration in flue gas reduces with the increase in the primary air percentage, excess air coefficient and Ca/S molar ratio for all kinds of fuel mixtures.The range between 830 ℃ and 850 ℃ is the optimal temperature for sulfur retention during co-firing of petroleum coke and coal with the mass ratio R of 1 and 3 in CFB.
在一热输入为0.6 MW的循环流化床燃烧中试装置上进行了石油焦与煤混合燃烧和脱硫试验研究, 得到燃料中石油焦与煤质量混合比、过量空气系数、床层温度、一次风率和钙硫摩尔比等参数对SO2排放的影响规律.结果表明, 混合燃料中掺焦比例越大, 混合燃料的硫含量越高, SO2排放浓度越高;纯烧石油焦时SO2排放浓度最高.对不同配比的混合燃料, 随过量空气系数、一次风率和Ca/S摩尔比增大, SO2排放浓度降低.830~850 ℃的床温对脱硫最为有利, 在燃用石油焦与煤质量混合比R为1和3的混合燃料时可获得最低SO2排放.


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Biography: Zhao Changsui(1945—), male, professor, cszhao@seu.edu.cn.
Last Update: 2005-03-20