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[1] Song Xiaojin, Song Tiecheng, Shen Lianfeng, Lu Su, et al. Improved Kalman filter channel estimation methodfor OFDM systems in fast time-varying environment [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2005, 21 (4): 389-392. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2005.04.003]

Improved Kalman filter channel estimation methodfor OFDM systems in fast time-varying environment()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2005 4
Research Field:
Information and Communication Engineering
Publishing date:


Improved Kalman filter channel estimation methodfor OFDM systems in fast time-varying environment
Song Xiaojin Song Tiecheng Shen Lianfeng Lu Su
National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
宋晓晋 宋铁成 沈连丰 陆苏
东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室, 南京 210096
channel estimation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) least square(LS) minimum mean-square-error(MMSE)
信道估计 正交频分复用 最小平方 最小均方误差
Under analyzing several characteristics of frequency-selective fast fading channels, such as large Doppler spread and multi-path interference, a low-dimensional Kalman filter method based on pilot signals is presented for the channel estimation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM)systems.For simplicity, a one-dimensional autoregressive(AR)process is used to model the time-varying channel, and the least square(LS)algorithm based on pilot signals is adopted to track the time-varying channel fading factor a.The low-dimensional Kalman filter estimator greatly reduces the complexity of the high-dimensional Kalman filter.To utilize the relationship of fading channel in frequency domain, a minimum mean-square-error(MMSE)combiner is used to refine the estimation results.The simulation results in the frequency band of 5.5 GHz show that the proposed method achieves a good symbol error rate(SER)performance close to the theoretical bound of ideal channel estimation.
针对频率选择性快衰落信道的多径干扰和较大的多普勒频率扩展, 提出了一种基于导频的低维Kalman滤波算法用于正交频分复用(OFDM)系统信道估计.为了简化计算, 采用一阶自回归(AR)过程对时变信道进行建模.利用复杂度大大降低的一维Kalman滤波算法进行单个子载波的并行信道估计, 并采用基于导频的最小平方(LS)算法估计时变的信道衰减因子a.为了同时跟踪信道的频域相关性, 采用了最小均方误差(MMSE)线性合并器对Kalman信道估计结果进行修正.在5.5 GHz频段上的仿真表明了这种基于导频的低维Kalman信道估计方法, 降低了传统的Kalman滤波结构的复杂度, 能够跟踪信道的时频变化, 并且在一定程度上可以接近于理想信道估计的误码率性能.


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Biographies: Song Xiaojin(1981—), female, graduate;Shen Lianfeng(corresponding author), male, professor, lfshen@seu.edu.cn.
Last Update: 2005-12-20