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[1] Wang Meiying,. Subspaces for weak mild solutionsof the second order abstract differential equation [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2007, 23 (2): 313-316. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2007.02.032]

Subspaces for weak mild solutionsof the second order abstract differential equation()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2007 2
Research Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics
Publishing date:


Subspaces for weak mild solutionsof the second order abstract differential equation
Wang Meiying
Department of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 210029, China
second order abstract differential equation polynomially bounded solution cosine operator function
The topic on the subspaces for the polynomially or exponentially bounded weak mild solutions of the following abstract Cauchy problem (d2)/(2dt2)u2(t, x)=Au(t, x); u(0, x)=x, (d)/(dt)u(0, x)=0, x∈X is studied, where A is a closed operator on Banach space X. The case that the problem is ill-posed is treated, and two subspaces Y(A, k) and H(A, ω)are introduced. Y(A, k)is the set of all x in X for which the second order abstract differential equation has a weak mild solution v(t, x)such that ess sup(1+t)-k|(d)/(dt)〈v(t, x), x*〉|:t≥0, x*∈X*, =x*=≤1<+∞.H(A, ω)is the set of all x in X for which the second order abstract differential equation has a weak mild solution v(t, x)such that ess supe-ωt|(d)/(dt)〈v(t, x), x*〉|:t≥0, x*∈X*, =x*=≤1<+∞. The following conclusions are proved that Y(A, k)and H(A, ω)are Banach spaces, and both are continuously embedded in X;the restriction operator AY(A, k) (, )generates a once-integrated cosine operator family {C(t)}t≥00 such that limh→0+(1)/h=C(t+h)-C(t)=Y(A, k)≤M(, )(1+t)k, ∠t≥0; the restriction operator AH(A, ω) (, )generates a once-integrated cosine operator family {C(t)}t≥0 0such that limh→0+1/h=C(t+h)-C(t)=H(A, ω)≤M(, )eωt, ∠t≥0.


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Biography: Wang Meiying(1950—), female, professor, nsjwangmy@sina.com.
Last Update: 2007-06-20