|Table of Contents|

[1] Liu Yun, Qian Zhendong,. Double-layer model updating for steel-concrete composite beamcable-stayed bridge based on GPS [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2008, 24 (1): 80-84. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2008.01.018]

Double-layer model updating for steel-concrete composite beamcable-stayed bridge based on GPS()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2008 1
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Double-layer model updating for steel-concrete composite beamcable-stayed bridge based on GPS
Liu Yun Qian Zhendong
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
刘云 钱振东
东南大学交通学院, 南京 210096
steel-concrete composite beam GPS dynamic response double-layer model updating
叠合梁 GPS 动响应 双层模型修正
In order to establish the relationship between the measured dynamic response and the health status of long-span bridges, a double-layer model updating method for steel-concrete composite beam cable-stayed bridges is proposed.Measured frequencies are selected as the first-layer reference data, and the mass of the bridge deck, the grid density, the modulus of concrete and the ballast on the side span are modified by using a manual tuning technique. Measured global positioning system(GPS)data is selected as the second-layer reference data, and the degradation of the integral structure stiffness EI of the whole bridge is taken into account for the second-layer model updating by using the finite element iteration algorithm.The Nanpu Bridge in Shanghai is taken as a case to verify the applicability of the proposed model updating method.After the first-layer model updating, the standard deviation of modal frequencies is smaller than 7%.After the second-layer model updating, the error of the deflection of the mid-span is smaller than 10%.The integral structure stiffness of the whole bridge decreases about 20%.The research results show a good agreement between the calculated response and the measured response.
为了建立实测动响应和桥梁健康状况的实质性联系, 提出用双层模型修正方法修正叠合梁斜拉桥理论计算模型.以实测固有频率为第1层修正目标, 采用人工调节方法, 在可靠范围内变化桥面板质量、网格划分密度、混凝土模量及边跨压重等参数修正模型的动力特性;然后以GPS实测动响应为第2层修正目标, 通过逐步减小结构各向刚度EI模拟桥梁整体刚度损伤, 采用有限元迭代的方法修正模型的挠度值.以南浦大桥为例, 对其进行有限元建模, 并利用所提出的方法进行模型修正.分析结果表明, 经过第1层模型修正, 频率误差的标准偏差小于7%, 比初始误差有明显改善;经过第2层模型修正, 桥梁跨中挠度误差小于10%, 桥梁结构各向刚度EI下降约20%.研究结果表明理论计算结果与实测结果相吻合.


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Biographies: Liu Yun(1981—), male, graduate;Qian Zhendong(corresponding author), female, doctor, professor, qianzd@seu.edu.cn.
Foundation item: The Special Project of the Ministry of Construction of China(No.20060909).
Citation: Liu Yun, Qian Zhendong.Double-layer model updating for steel-concrete composite beam cable-stayed bridge based on GPS[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2008, 24(1):80-84.
Last Update: 2008-03-20