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[1] Xu Yejun, Da Qingli,. Approach to obtaining weights of uncertain ordered weightedgeometric averaging operator [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2008, 24 (1): 110-113. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2008.01.024]

Approach to obtaining weights of uncertain ordered weightedgeometric averaging operator()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2008 1
Research Field:
Economy and Management
Publishing date:


Approach to obtaining weights of uncertain ordered weightedgeometric averaging operator
Xu Yejun1 2 Da Qingli1
1School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
2 College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
许叶军1 2 达庆利1
1东南大学经济管理学院, 南京 210096; 2南京林业大学经济管理学院, 南京 210037
interval numbers uncertain ordered weighted geometric averaging operator possibility degree
区间数 不确定有序加权几何平均算子 可能度
The ordered weighted geometric averaging(OWGA)operator is extended to accommodate uncertain conditions where all input arguments take the forms of interval numbers.First, a possibility degree formula for the comparison between interval numbers is introduced.It is proved that the introduced formula is equivalent to the existing formulae, and also some desired properties of the possibility degree is presented.Secondly, the uncertain OWGA operator is investigated in which the associated weighting parameters cannot be specified, but value ranges can be obtained and the associated aggregated values of an uncertain OWGA operator are known.A linear objective-programming model is established; by solving this model, the associated weights vector of an uncertain OWGA operator can be determined, and also the estimated aggregated values of the alternatives can be obtained. Then the alternatives can be ranked by the comparison of the estimated aggregated values using the possibility degree formula.Finally, a numerical example is given to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the developed method.
把有序加权几何平均(OWGA)算子推广到所给定的数据信息均为区间数形式的不确定环境之中.首先给出了区间数两两比较的可能度的一个公式, 证明了该公式与现有的公式是等价的, 并给出了该公式的一些优良性质.其次, 研究了不确定有序加权几何平均算子, 这里算子的权重参数不能够确定, 但是值的范围是给定的, 并且不确定OWGA算子的集结值是已知的.建立了一个线性目标规划模型, 求解该模型, 不仅可以得到不确定OWGA算子的权重向量而且可得到方案的估计值, 然后用可能度公式通过对估计集结值的比较来对方案进行排序.最后通过实例说明了该方法的有效性和可行性.


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Biographies: Xu Yejun(1979—), male, graduate;Da Qingli(corresponding author), male, professor, dqlseunj@126.com.
Foundation item: The Technological Innovation Foundation of Nanjing Forestry University(No.163060033).
Citation: .Xu Yejun, Da Qingli.Approach to obtaining weights of uncertain ordered weighted geometric averaging operator[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2008, 24(1):110-113.
Last Update: 2008-03-20