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[1] Zhang Xiaoguo, Wang Qing, Gong Fuxiang,. Optimal path finding algorithms based on SLSD road network model [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26 (4): 558-562. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2010.04.012]

Optimal path finding algorithms based on SLSD road network model()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2010 4
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Optimal path finding algorithms based on SLSD road network model
Zhang Xiaoguo Wang Qing Gong Fuxiang
School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
张小国 王庆 龚福祥
东南大学仪器科学与工程学院, 南京210096
optimal path finding road network model conceptual model digital map vehicle navigation system A* algorithm Dijkstra algorithm
最优路径寻找 道路网络模型 概念模型 数字地图 车辆导航系统 A*算法 Dijkstra算法
A solution to compute the optimal path based on a single-line-single-directional(SLSD)road network model is proposed. Unlike the traditional road network model, in the SLSD conceptual model, being single-directional and single-line style, a road is no longer a linkage of road nodes but abstracted as a network node. Similarly, a road node is abstracted as the linkage of two ordered single-directional roads. This model can describe turn restrictions, circular roads, and other real scenarios usually described using a super-graph. Then a computing framework for optimal path finding(OPF)is presented. It is proved that classical Dijkstra and A* algorithms can be directly used for OPF computing of any real-world road networks by transferring a super-graph to an SLSD network. Finally, using Singapore road network data, the proposed conceptual model and its corresponding optimal path finding algorithms are validated using a two-step optimal path finding algorithm with a pre-computing strategy based on the SLSD road network.
提出了基于单线单向(SLSD)道路网络的最优路径算法.不同于传统网络, 在SLSD网络中, 路元素被抽象成网络的节点, 且都是单向单线的;而道路节点被抽象成网络的链接.该网络模型可以很好地表述拐弯限制、回路以及多条道路存在于2个路口等只有超图模型才能很好表示的真实路网情形.基于此网络模型, 给出了相关的最优路径算法, 并且证明了将超图转化为SLSD道路网络后, A*及Diskstra算法可以不加修改直接用于计算任何真实路网的最优路径.最后, 结合新加坡道路网络数据, 给出了一个预先计算的两步法最优路径算法及其计算结果, 验证了所提出的模型和算法.


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Biography: Zhang Xiaoguo(1973—), male, doctor, lecturer, zxg519@sina.com.
Foundation item: The National Key Technology R& D Program of China during the 11th Five Year Plan Period(No.2008BAJ11B01).
Citation: Zhang Xiaoguo, Wang Qing, Gong Fuxiang. Optimal path finding algorithms based on SLSD road network model [J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2010, 26(4):558-562.
Last Update: 2010-12-20