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[1] Wang Chunbo, Liu Hongcai, Chen Liang, Lufei Jia, et al. Effect of sulfation during carbonation on CO2 capturein calcium looping cycle [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2015, 31 (2): 215-219. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2015.02.010]

Effect of sulfation during carbonation on CO2 capturein calcium looping cycle()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2015 2
Research Field:
Energy and Power Engineering
Publishing date:


Effect of sulfation during carbonation on CO2 capturein calcium looping cycle
Wang Chunbo1 Liu Hongcai1 Chen Liang1 Lufei Jia2 Yewen Tan2
1School of Energy and Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
2CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada, 1 Haanel Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1M1
王春波1 刘洪才1 陈亮1 Lufei Jia2 Yewen Tan2
1华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院, 保定 071003; 2CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada, 1 Haanel Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1M1
Ca-based sorbent carbonation sulfation looping CO2 capture
钙基吸收剂 碳酸化 硫化 循环 CO2捕集
Two Canadian limestones with different properties were tested to determine the effect of SO2 during the carbonation of sorbent on the CO2 capture performance in Ca-looping. When the reaction gas is mixed with SO2, the carbonation ratio of the sorbent is always lower than that without SO2 for each cycle under the same conditions, and the sulfation ratio increases almost linearly with the increase in the cycle times. At 650 ℃, there is little difference in the carbonation ratio of the sorbent during the first four cycles for the two carbonation time, 5 and 10 min at 0.18%SO2. The indirect sulfation reaction that occurs simultaneously with the carbonation of CaO is responsible for the degradation of the sorbent for CO2 capture, and the carbonation duration is not the main factor that affects the ability of the sorbent. 680 ℃ is the best carbonation temperature among the three tested temperatures and the highest carbonation ratio can be obtained. Also, the sulfation ratio is the highest. The probable cause is the different effects of temperature on the carbonation rate and sulfation rate. A higher SO2 concentration will decrease the carbonation ratio clearly, but the decrease in the carbonation capability of the sorbent is not proportional to the increase of the SO2 concentration in flue gases.
采用2种不同特性的加拿大石灰石来研究钙基吸收剂循环煅烧碳酸化捕集CO2过程中硫化反应对碳酸化反应的影响.当反应气氛中有SO2时, 每次循环中钙的碳酸化转化率都要低于没有SO2的循环, 而且钙的硫酸化转化率几乎随着循环次数线性增长.在650 ℃, 0.18%SO2的环境中, 对5 和10 min这2种碳酸化时间而言, 前4次循环的碳酸化转化率几乎没有区别.与碳酸化过程同时发生的间接硫化反应是导致吸收剂捕集CO2能力下降的原因, 而碳酸化时间并不是影响吸收剂脱碳的主要影响因素.在所测试的3个温度中, 680 ℃是最佳碳酸化温度, 在此温度下碳酸化转化率最高, 而此温度下硫化转化率最大, 则可能是由于温度对碳酸化和硫化反应速率的作用不同而造成的.碳酸化转化率随SO2浓度的增加而减小, 但两者之间并不是线性关系.


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Biography: Wang Chunbo(1973—), male, doctor, professor, hdwchb@126.com.
Foundation items: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51276064), the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing City(No.3132028).
Citation: Wang Chunbo, Liu Hongcai, Chen Liang, et al.Effect of sulfation during carbonation on CO2 capture in calcium looping cycle[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2015, 31(2):215-219.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2015.02.010]
Last Update: 2015-06-20