|Table of Contents|

[1] Liu Yuanyuan, Xiang Ke, Li Yu, et al. Composite bioabsorbable vascular stents via 3D bio-printingand electrospinning for treating stenotic vessels [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2015, 31 (2): 254-258. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2015.02.017]

Composite bioabsorbable vascular stents via 3D bio-printingand electrospinning for treating stenotic vessels()
结合生物3D打印和静电纺丝制备复合生物可吸收血管支架 用于血管狭窄治疗

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2015 2
Research Field:
Mechanical Engineering
Publishing date:


Composite bioabsorbable vascular stents via 3D bio-printingand electrospinning for treating stenotic vessels
结合生物3D打印和静电纺丝制备复合生物可吸收血管支架 用于血管狭窄治疗
Liu Yuanyuan1 2 Xiang Ke1 Li Yu1 Chen Haiping1 Hu Qingxi1 2
1Rapid Manufacturing Engineering Center, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
2Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing and Roboties, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China
刘媛媛1 2 向科1 李瑜1 陈海萍1 胡庆夕1 2
1上海大学快速制造工程中心, 上海 200444; 2上海大学上海市智能制造及机器人重点实验室, 上海 200072
3D(three-dimensional)bio-printing bioabsorbable vascular stent(BVS) electrospinning cell proliferation composite forming
生物3D打印 生物可吸收血管支架 静电纺丝 细胞增殖 复合成形
A new type of vascular stent is designed for treating stenotic vessels. Aiming at overcoming the shortcomings of existing equipment and technology for preparing a bioabsorbable vascular stent(BVS), a new method which combines 3D bio-printing and electrospinning to prepare the composite bioabsorbable vascular stent(CBVS)is proposed. The inner layer of the CBVS can be obtained through 3D bio-printing using poly-p-dioxanone(PPDO). The thin nanofiber film that serves as the outer layer can be built through electrospinning using mixtures of chitosan-PVA(poly(vinyl alcohol)). Tests of mechanical properties show that the stent prepared through 3D bio-printing combined with electrospinning is better than that prepared through 3D bio-printing alone. Cells cultivated on the CBVS adhere and proliferate better due to the natural, biological chitosan in the outer layer. The proposed complex process and method can provide a good basis for preparing a controllable drug-carrying vascular stent. Overall, the CBVS can be a good candidate for treating stenotic vessels.
设计一种新型血管支架用于血管狭窄治疗.针对目前制备生物可吸收血管支架(BVS)在装备和技术上的不足, 提出了结合生物3D打印和静电纺丝制备复合生物可吸收血管支架(CBVS)的新方法.首先, 用PPDO材料通过3D打印制备支架内层;然后, 配制壳聚糖和PVA混合溶液, 通过静电纺丝制备支架外层.力学性能测试显示, 结合3D打印和静电纺丝制备的支架要好于仅采用3D打印制备的支架.在支架上种植细胞试验表明, 细胞在支架上有良好的粘附和增殖, 因为外层含有天然生物材料壳聚糖.所提出的复合成形工艺和方法, 为后续构建可控携载药物支架提供了很好的思路.该CBVS可用于血管狭窄治疗.


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Biographies: Liu Yuanyuan(1979—), female, doctor, associate professor, yuanyuan_liu@shu.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51475281, 51375292), the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholar of China(No.51105239).
Citation: Liu Yuanyuan, Xiang Ke, Li Yu, et al. Composite bioabsorbable vascular stents via 3D bio-printing and electrospinning for treating stenotic vessels[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2015, 31(2):254-258.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2015.02.017]
Last Update: 2015-06-20