|Table of Contents|

[1] Ran Jin, Zhang Jinxi, Yang Mijia, et al. Controlled low-strength material incorporating recycled fineaggregate from urban red brick based construction waste [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2017, 33 (4): 496-501. [doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2017.04.017]

Controlled low-strength material incorporating recycled fineaggregate from urban red brick based construction waste()

Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)[ISSN:1003-7985/CN:32-1325/N]

2017 4
Research Field:
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Publishing date:


Controlled low-strength material incorporating recycled fineaggregate from urban red brick based construction waste
Ran Jin1 2 Zhang Jinxi1 Yang Mijia3 Jia Dongdong4 Lu Shengdi5
1Beijing Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
2 Key Laboratory of Expressway Maintenance Technology of Ministry of Transport(Ji’nan), Ji’nan 250102, China
3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North Dakota State University, ND 58105, USA
4 Kaibo International Group Corporation, Beijing 100022, China
5Anhui Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd., Hefei 230088, China
冉晋1 2 张金喜1 杨米加3 贾冬冬4 鲁圣弟5
1北京工业大学交通工程北京市重点实验室, 北京 100124; 2高速公路养护技术交通行业重点实验室(济南), 济南 250102; 3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North Dakota State University, ND 58105, USA; 4楷博国际集团公司, 北京 100022; 5安徽省交通控股集团有限公
controlled low-strength material recycled fine aggregate from urban red brick based construction waste fluidity bleeding compressive strength durability
可控性低强度材料 城市红砖建筑垃圾再生细骨料 流动性 泌水率 抗压强度 耐久性
Sixteen controlled low-strength material(CLSM)mixtures with various cement-to-sand(C/Sa)ratios and water-to-solid(W/So)ratios were prepared using recycled fine aggregate from urban red brick based construction waste. The fluidity and bleeding of the fresh CLSM mixtures were measured via the modified test methods, and the hardened CLSM mixtures were then molded to evaluate their compressive strength and durability. The results show that the fluidity of the fresh CLSM mixtures is 105 to 227 mm with the corresponding bleeding rate of 3.7% to 15.5%, which increases with the increase in fluidity. After aging for 28 d, the compressive strength of the hardened CLSM mixtures reaches 1.15 to 13.96 MPa, and their strength can be further enhanced with longer curing ages. Additionally, the strength increases with the increase of the C/Sa ratio, and decreases with the increase of the W/So ratio under the same curing age. Based on the obtained compressive strength, a fitting model for accurately predicting the compressive strength of the CLSM mixtures was established, which takes into account the above two independent variables(C/Sa and W/So ratios). Moreover, the durability of the hardened CLSM mixtures is enhanced for samples with higher C/Sa ratios.
采用不同的灰砂比和水固比, 利用富含城市红砖的建筑垃圾再生细骨料制备了16种可控性低强度材料(CLSM).通过改进的试验方法测试了新拌CLSM混合料的流动性和泌水率, 以及硬化后CLSM混合料的抗压强度和耐久性.试验结果表明, 利用城市红砖建筑垃圾再生细骨料制备的CLSM混合料的流动度在105~227 mm之间, 相应的泌水率在3.7%~15.5%之间, 且随流动度的增加而增大.养护28 d后, 硬化后CLSM混合料的抗压强度可以达到1.15~13.96 MPa, 且其强度随养护龄期的延长仍能增大.而且, 在相同的养护龄期, CLSM混合料的强度随灰砂比的增加而增大, 随水固比的增加而减小.基于试验数据, 建立了以灰砂比和水固比为变量的抗压强度预测模型, 具有较好的精度.此外, 有着更高灰砂比的CLSM混合料具有较好的耐久性.


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Biographies: Ran Jin(1978—), male, graduate; Zhang Jinxi(corresponding author), male, professor, zhangjinxi@bjut.edu.cn.
Foundation items: The National Science and Technology Support Program of China(No.2014BAC07B03), the Science and Technology Project of Transportation Committee of Beijing Government(No.2016-LZJKJ-01-006), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51278016).
Citation: Ran Jin, Zhang Jinxi, Yang Mijia, et al.Controlled low-strength material incorporating recycled fine aggregate from urban red brick based construction waste[J].Journal of Southeast University(English Edition), 2017, 33(4):496-501.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7985.2017.04.017.
Last Update: 2017-12-20